Réduction de la pauvreté rurale


Farmers in the conflict-affected Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine are learning about the legal and financial aspects of operating in cooperatives. In a series of training sessions during May and June, they will also acquire knowledge about efficient new technologies, business opportunities, and more.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Bank are strengthening their cooperation to end hunger and poverty at global and national levels. The two organizations will work closely together to support the member countries in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's), improve rural livelihoods,...
Africa needs to enhance right policy environments, access to capital, innovations and right technologies in support of the youth to engage massively in agriculture and agribusiness
The FAO CASH+ programme is currently helping 750 vulnerable households across 36 villages in the Kayes region of Mali. The 18-month programme, already successfully tested in Mauritania and other West African countries, combines unconditional cash transfers with in-kind livestock inputs such as goats and animal feed. Women directly receive 99...
A family owns four scattered plots of land, each no bigger than half a football field. Family members use precious time and fuel moving equipment, seeds and fertilizer from one plot to another – often driving across the crops of other families. The combined output of the four plots might...