Сокращение масштабов нищеты в сельских районах


Kenya, Ghana, Senegal and The Gambia share experiences on reducing rural poverty through South-South Cooperation Last December 2017, Kenya hosted a regional workshop to share successful experiences on poverty reduction. The event brought together for the first time the three African Knowledge Exchange Platforms, and their representatives from Kenya, Ghana and...
Meeting the food and water needs of the growing world population over the next half-century will require the use of renewable technologies that significantly improve rural livelihood at minimal environment cost. Among these technologies, solar-power has great potential for rural development through improving access to electricity and water, and can...
JOINT FAO-IFAD-WFP PRESS RELEASE  7 March 2018, Rome - The role of information communications technologies in supporting rural women's economic empowerment, voice and status, will be the focus of discussions at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on 8 March, International Women's Day. IFAD, together with United Nations Food and Agriculture...
27 февраля 2018, Рим - Фонд зеленого климата (ФЗК) одобрил проект по адаптации и сглаживанию последствий изменения климата с бюджетом в 90 миллионов долларов США, совместно разработанный ФАО и правительством Парагвая. Решение, которое началось с предложения ФАО фонду о финансировании, было одобрено в ходе 19-го заседания Совета Фонда зеленого климата, который проводится с 27 февраля по 2...
Sanihan lives in Baramadougou village, north of Ségou in Mali, with 13 members of her family. A few weeks before the harvest when their food supply is almost exhausted, she explains: “My husband is working in the field and it‘s up to us, women, to look for money to nourish our...