

Youth champions empowered to foster agri-entrepreneurship. 26 June 2018, Addis Ababa - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the East African Community (EAC) join hands to empower the youth in agro-entrepreneurship. The ultimate goal of the partnership between the two agencies is to create jobs for the...
The side-event aims to share successful experience on hunger and poverty eradication from the KEPs countries, including how multi-sectoral approaches and integrated policies can accelerate progress towards the achievement of these SDGs. It also seeks to engage member countries in a discussion on the strategies and policies needed as well...
非洲西部和中部许多国家有幸拥有丰富的水资源。然而,这种资源在整个区域分布不均,而且大部分未得到开发。该区域只有不到3%的耕地受益于某种形式的战略性水资源管理。与此同时,该区域极易遭受气候变化的影响,致使许多国家的降雨不稳定,农民面临日益严峻的气候波动和极端天气风险。 该区域若要提高农业生产力并帮助促进农民的生计,就必须加强对水资源的管理。为此,粮农组织在科特迪瓦、冈比亚、马里和尼日尔实施了一个西部和中部非洲调整灌溉方法适应气候变化项目,为小农提供有关水资源管理、小型灌溉系统和特定需求适应战略的实用工具。 由于小农最容易受到气候变化的影响,他们需要采取措施来加强其抵御力和适应气候变化。他们还需要增加进入市场和获得信息、金融、技术和其他农业基础设施服务的机会。采用适应气候变化影响的小型灌溉技术不仅有助于确保该区域拥有充足、可靠的水资源,而且还可以保证水资源不被浪费。