

An interview with Paolo Groppo, Senior Land Tenure Officer, in the Regional office for Asia and the Pacific, and Vito Cistulli, Senior Policy Officer, in the FAO Social Policies and rural Institutions Division, explains the territorial approach to development and its impact on their work. The territorial approach to development is...
在哈萨克斯坦,约200万至250万家庭依赖奶业为生,该国80%的牛奶由小农生产,每名小农拥有四头奶牛甚至更少。哈萨克斯坦是世界第九大国家,在其广袤国土上,家畜是人们生计和粮食安全的重要组成部分 粮农组织运用技术力量提出创新解决方案,与欧洲复兴开发银行合作,根据哈萨克斯坦奶业情况设计了移动客户端应用——“移动收集”,帮助牛奶加工者对现有和潜在的生奶供应者进行地理定位,这些供应者多为小农或家庭农民。这种联系有助于改善他们的生产和生计。   
The event “Pro-WEAI: A New Tool for Measuring Women’s Empowerment in Agricultural Development Projects” is a “soft launch” of the index and its associated nutrition module as a tool for measuring and assessing the impact of agricultural development projects on women’s empowerment in agriculture. The project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index...
This online discussion intends to enrich the reflection on the nexus between extreme poverty and food insecurity and to stimulate the exchange of views on the role that agriculture, agricultural development and natural resources such as fish, livestock and forests can play in lifting the poorest of the poor out...
8th of March, Montego Bay, Jamaica – Mexico and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will work together to improve climate change adaptation and resilience in the Caribbean. Mexico will allocate US $ 4.3 million - over the next five years - to create a cooperation fund that will work...