

Development of the handicraft sector as a means of creating jobs in Kyrgyzstan’s rural areas is the focus of roundtable discussion taking place here today. The event, organized with support from FAO, will present the results of an FAO pilot project carried out earlier this year in remote Kulundu village...
More than 40 percent of economically active women in Armenia are employed in agriculture, compared to about 30 percent of men. The vast majority of those women are informal workers on family farms however, and this fact has major implications for rural livelihoods and wellbeing, according to a report just...
Over 370 million indigenous peoples live in more than 70 countries across the world. While they constitute about five percent of the world’s population, they account for approximately 15percent of the world’s poor. Such is the case with indigenous Mayangna women living in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve in northern Nicaragua...
Communication for Development is a powerful means to enable the informed and active engagement of individuals and groups in decisions that affect their life. This is the case also with land tenure, and is the focus of an initiative promoted by FAO Advocacy Unit; The Investment Centre and the The...
Millions of pastoralists herd livestock in Africa’s drylands; yet they have little say in policies that affect them. The newly formed Eastern and Southern Africa Pastoralist Network (ESAPN) aims to advocate for better policies that support the lifestyle of mobile pastoralists.