

Year Title Type
Fabio Veras (UNDP-IPC) talks about PtoP from a Latin America perspective and on what needs to be done to connect research to policy changes Audio
2017 Improving Gender Equality in Territorial Issues (IGETI): Territory as an entry to gender equality Brochures
2015 Nutrition and Social protection Publications
Hesche Lemma Hagos (Tigray Regional Government, Ethiopia) on how the PtoP project can be further developed in Ethiopia Audio
2017 Cash transfer programmes for managing climate risk. Evidence from a randomized experiment in Zambia Publications
2014 The State of Food and Agriculture 2014 - Innovation in family farming Publications
Pamela Pozarny (FAO) explains how the qualitative research is contributing to impact evaluation of cash transfers Audio
2016 Migration and protected crisis - Addressing root causes and building resilient agricultural livelihoods Brochures
2017 Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results: Social protection Policy Briefs
2015 The State of Food and Agriculture 2015 - Social protection and agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty Publications