FAO en República Dominicana

Young entrepreneurs demand greater support to develop sustainable rural tourism in the Dominican Republic


Santo Domingo.- Through the “1000 Digital Villages” initiative, FAO promotes rural tourism and the digitalization of trade to create more prosperous, sustainable and climate-resilient economies.

Santo Domingo. The lack of resources and support for rural youth, together with the inadequate promotion of the attractions of their communities and the lack of housing supply, are part of the challenges to be overcome by the territories in order to develop sustainable rural tourism in the Dominican Republic, according to a group of young people participating in the “1000 Digital Villages” initiative promoted by FAO.

During a meeting held at Rancho Don Lulú, the young people, representing the communities of Bayaguana, Las Galeras, Pedernales and San José de las Matas, presented their points of view as part of an exchange of experiences with associations and cooperatives of producers that promote sustainable and integrative tourism through agroecology.

"It is necessary to educate and involve young people from the family and the community so that they understand the importance of participating in entrepreneurial projects in rural territories," said Crinilda de Jesús, a young artisan from Bayaguana, in the province of Monte Plata.

For her part, Ana Gabriela Torres, from the Association of Coffee Growers United for Progress in San José de las Matas, said that the low value that the community places on artisanal products, as well as the lack of qualified young workers, are among the challenges that entrepreneurs face to move their community projects forward.

In this regard, Nicole Corona, from Jarahucos Tours in Pedernales, pointed out that there is little promotion and education of the population about the natural and cultural resources of the province: "When people talk about Pedernales they usually only mention Bahía de las Águilas, but the province’s wealth of natural resources, including the Jaragua National Park which is designated as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, is relatively unknown".


1000 Digital Villages Initiative

"Agrotourism, complemented by digital platforms, can benefit small-scale farmers and rural communities in the Dominican Republic, as it gives them the opportunity to diversify their economic activities and create a new demand for their agricultural products," said Rodrigo Castañeda, the FAO Representative in the country.

The “1000 Digital Villages” initiative in the country supports rural youth in the promotion of rural tourism and the digitalization of commerce to create more prosperous and sustainable economies that are resilient to climate change.

Through this global initiative, FAO aims to reach its development objectives so that people in rural territories can achieve better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life.

Members of “1000 Digital Villages” in the DR

The members of the “1000 Digital Villages” initiative that participated in the exchange of rural tourism experiences included Lubeisy Cuevas, and Nicole and Richard Corona, from Jarahucos Tours in the province of Perdernales, an agency specializing in agro-ecotourism experiences.

The participants from the community of Bayaguana, in the province of Monte Plata, were Crinilda de Jesús, an artisan, Miscauris Vargas, rural tourism experiences, and Víctor Hernández, from the municipal mayor's office.

Representing the municipality of Las Galeras, in Samaná province, was Darbin Martínez, a member of the Las Galeras Agrotourism and Multiple Services Cooperative.

Oscar Cruz, a technician from Macadamia La Loma, and Ana Gabriela Torres, from the Association of Coffee Growers United for Progress (ASOCAUPRO), represented the municipality of San José de las Matas in Santiago province.

Other participants included: Yesenia Saud, a CESAL ecotourism technician for the Enriquillo region; Ramón Manuel Pantaleón, MIPYMES Coordinator of the Northern Region of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MICM), and Luis Amarante, owner of Rancho Don Lulú.

At the end of the activity, a guided tour was carried out along the trails of the Loma Quita Espuela Scientific Reserve, which is a protected area due to its importance in the conservation of biodiversity and in the country's water production.