
TAP moves forward with approval of 2016 Work Plan and Common Framework

Partners of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) met in Kigali (Rwanda) to review the progress made in the implementation of the TAP Action Plan in general, and of the EU-funded Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) project in particular, as well as to approve the TAP Common Framework and the Work Plan for 2016. More than 50 participants - from 25 TAP Partners organizations and implementing partners of the CDAIS project - took part in the meeting, which was held in in Rwanda's Capital, Kigali, and lasted three days, from 19 to 21 January 2016. 

During the meeting the Common Framework was approved for its use by the CDAIS project as well as by TAP Partners and others. TAP partners also identify measures to promote the Common Framework and discuss how they intend to use it in future activities. It was agreed that the Common Framework constitutes a living document that will be revised in the course of the following years to reflect lessons learned during its testing and validation. 

In addition, partners exchanged experiences about the implementation of the TAP Action Plan in the pilot countries of the CDAIS project. 

TAPipepia, the knowledge-hub developed under TAP, was also presented at the meeting. It was stressed that TAPipedia will serve, among the other things, as a repository/search engine of relevant CD for AIS resources and materials as well as a getaway to relevant institutions, initiatives, people and a facilitator of online discussion. 
The TAP Action Plan, whose strategic goal is to strenghten national capacities in agricultural innovation in the tropics, included the development of a Common Framework to promote more coherent and effective CD for AIS interventions. The implementation of the TAP Action Plan is supported by the CDAIS project in eight pilot countries: Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Laos and Rwanda.