GMOs in the pipeline – FAO e-mail conference
November 2012. The FAO e-mail conference on "GMOs in the pipeline: Looking to the next five years in the crop, forestry, livestock, aquaculture and agro-industry sectors in developing countries" took place from 5 November to 2 December 2012. The 11-page summary document is now available, entitled “An FAO e-mail conference on GMOs in the pipeline in developing countries: The moderator’s summary”, by J. Ruane. Almost 800 people subscribed to the conference. The document provides a summary of the main issues discussed by participants during this 4-week conference based on the 109 messages that were posted. From the e-mail conference, a picture emerged of a GMO pipeline that contains a considerable quantity and variety of products, indicating that the new GMOs likely to be released in developing countries within the next five years will continue to be dominated by the crop sector, where a broad range of new crop by trait combinations are in the pipeline, but may also see increased focus on new areas such as GM fish, insects and trees.