Sistemas de investigación y extensión
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Type: News

November 2012. The FAO e-mail conference on "GMOs in the pipeline: Looking to the next five years in the crop, forestry, livestock, aquaculture and agro-industry sectors in developing countries" took place from 5 November to 2 December 2012. The 11-page summary document is now available, entitled “An FAO e-mail conference on GMOs in the pipeline in developing countries: The moderator’s summary”, by J. Ruane. Almost 800 people subscribed to the conference. The document provides a summary of the main issues discussed by participants during this 4-week conference based on the 109 messages that were posted. From the e-mail conference,...

Type: News

The Research and Extension Branch and the FAO Sub-regional office for Southern Africa presented a film on the Swaziland Agricultural Development Program (SADP). The short film, entitled "It's all about smallholders" was followed by presentations and discussions about SADP.

SADP was established in 2009 to revitalize agriculture and contribute to the creation of a vibrant commercial agricultural sector. With a focus on improving smallholder crop and livestock production, research and extension service delivery and smallholder market-oriented agro-business development, the SADP fosters sustainable food security for rural households and contributes to increased equitable economic growth and development. The SADP is a 5-years programme with funding from the European Union...

Type: Multimedia

In an effort to improve the food security of rural households and to foster equitable economic growth and development, the Government of Swaziland and FAO, with funding from the European Union (EU), work together to boost agricultural productivity, while at the same time reversing environmental degradation.

Type: News

Genetic resources for food and agriculture are vital for all humankind. The Government of Bolivia the Italian Development Cooperation and FAO, have joined efforts to strengthen national policies and public management system of genetic resources. The book "Lo que la tierra nos da" presents the enormous variety of genetic resources for food and agriculture in Bolivia and their strong bond with rural people. The launching of this book is an important step in the promotion of traditional agricultural crops and a relevant activity in relation to the International Year of Quinoa to be celebrated in 2013.

The photobook is now available here.

Type: Publications

For the Rio+20 meetings GFRAS together with FAO, Farming First, IFPRI and WFO published a position paper entitled "Building Knowledge Systems in Agriculture". Knowledge sharing is critical to supporting the three dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic, and environmental). Extension and advisory services are crucial knowledge-sharing institutions and key for linking scientific research, field-level innovations and innovators, markets, education, and other service providers.

Type: Publications

In Colombia, the Foundation for the Sustainable and Participatory Development of Small Rural Producers (Corporación PBA) has developed a strategy for Participatory Rural Innovation (IRP), which prioritizes the development and promotion of farmers’ abilities and skills by using their own knowledge as the basis for this activity. It has also sought to encourage research institutions, state authorities, governmental and non-governmental organizations to work closely in the context of social processes at the local level, to promote innovation developed by the people themselves.

Type: Publications

This brochure aims to share with institutions, organizations and possible donors the activities that FAO’s Research and Extension Branch (OEKR) is developing in the field of agricultural innovation systems in family farming. It is designed as a folder with a general description of OEKR work and definitions of agricultural innovation systems and family farming.

Type: Publications

During the period 2002-10, FAO undertook an intense activity of biosafety capacity development, largely centred on enhancing the capacities of regulators and other technical staff involved in the implementation of biosafety frameworks, along with other components. The training programme was tailored to meet the needs of a very specific audience: biosafety regulators, policy-makers and members of national biosafety committees, with diverse educational backgrounds, not necessarily well versed in all the biosafety-related fields.

Type: Publications

This book represents the proceedings of the FAO international technical conference dedicated to Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries (ABDC-10) that took place in Guadalajara, Mexico on 1-4 March 2010. A major objective of the conference was to take stock of the application of biotechnologies across the different food and agricultural sectors in developing countries, in order to learn from the past and to identify options for the future to face the challenges of food insecurity, climate change and natural resource degradation.

Type: Publications

(Buenas Prácticas en el manejo de Extensión en América Central)

This study reviews and analyzes different successful experiences in Central America where extension experts have had a key role in achieving results within the framework of an agricultural innovation system. Our goal is to generate inputs and raise questions about the new role that should be taken by technical advisory systems and how they should be supported and strengthened within national extension systems.