Sistemas de investigación y extensión
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Type: Publications

The case study report contains a number of recommendations for the AJK Government to strengthen the demand-driven approach for demanding agricultural extension and other services through the multi-disciplinary Village Development Plans prepared by rural Community Organizations. As the recommendations are aimed at improving a specific situation, they are not generic and therefore not being included in the Executive Summary. The conclusions and lessons learned from the case study, however, are being presented here for other developing countries in case they want to adopt the demand-driven extension modality

Type: Publications

This paper presents an overview of current opportunities and challenges facing efforts to increase the impact of rural and agricultural extension. The starting point for this analysis is in recognition that the days when agricultural extension was synonymous with the work of public sector agencies are over. The ‘extension services’ described here may just as likely consist of an input vendor advising a farmer about what seed to plant, a television station broadcasting a weather forecast...

Type: Publications

There is currently an enormous need to mobilize agricultural extension services for food security and to achieve a range of rural development goals. Urgent efforts are required to enhance access to and knowledge about new technologies, to ensure that farmers and other actors in value chains can deal with changing markets, to enable farmers to understand new challenges arising due to the changing climate, to support rural communities to manage their natural resources more effectively, and to assist farmers to make optimal use of their available resources to ensure food for their families. (In French)

Type: Publications

The October 2010 issue of the scientific journal Biomass and Bioenergy contains this article by J. Ruane, A. Sonnino and A. Agostini, which is an abbreviated and updated version of the background document prepared for an e-mail conference hosted by the FAO Biotechnology Forum on the same subject.

Type: Publications

The FAO Biotechnology glossary is a convenient reference source for researchers, students, technicians and translators. It provides consolidated, comprehensive and accessible definitions of over 3,000 terms and acronyms that are used regularly in biotechnology, including genetic engineering, and closely allied fields. The original English version, prepared by A. Zaid, H.G. Hughes, E. Porceddu and F. Nicholas in 2001, has progressively been translated into nine languages, the most recent ones being Chinese (2010) and Polish (2011). The Glossary has also been released as a multilingual CD-ROM.  Contact [email protected] for more information.

Type: Publications

In the last two decades, it has been observed an evolutionary process in Nicaragua extension services, through the has had the opportunity to observe an evolutionary process in Nicaragua extension services. The main purpose of this study is to contribute to the design of the extension based processes, which are aimed at improving the conditions of underdeveloped agricultural systems, using the analysis and evaluation of different extension methodologies and modalities of contracting this service. (In Spanish)

Type: News

FAO moderated e-mail conference entitled "The role of agricultural biotechnologies for production of bioenergy in developing countries" took place from 10 November to 14 December 2008. Major topics of discussion included applications of biotechnologies in jatropha; the potential benefits for small-scale farmers of applying biotechnologies for bioenergy production; biogas production in developing countries; and production of enzymes for efficient bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to liquid biofuels. Of the different biotechnologies, most attention was paid to applications of genetic modification, molecular markers and tissue culture in crops for biofuel purposes

Type: Publications

This study is the result of the in-depth review of FAO’s capacity building activities in biosafety. It provides a general presentation of FAO’s conceptual framework on biosafety – the FAO Biosecurity framework – and illustrates the portfolio of past and current biosafety projects at national, regional and global level, together with their structure, components and financing modality. This publication is expected not only to contribute to planning FAO future activities in this area, but also to provide strategic inputs to the formulation of shared biosafety capacity building strategies at the global level.

Type: Publications

This publication is comprised of three papers. The first, by A. Sonnino and co-authors, discusses some approaches used in impact assessment of innovations and presents a general overview of the literature about the impacts of non-transgenic biotechnologies. The second, by Z. Dhlamini and co-authors, surveys the extent of micropropagation application in Gabon, Mali, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The third, by P. Warren and co-authors, reports the findings of two field studies, on micropropagation of banana in Uganda and of sweetpotato in Zimbabwe.

Type: Publications

Cette série d'ouvrages est consacrée au développement d'une stratégie sous régionale de renforcement des capacités en matière de dissémination des connaissances et des technologies agricoles dans l'espace CEMAC sur labase du diagnostic des situations nationales des pays membres.