Sistemas de investigación y extensión
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Type: Publications

The objective was hence to put the emphasis on the process and on considering the features of pluralism, demand and market-orientation. There was no emphasis on a particular advisory model which gave room for developing a country-specifc system based on existing institutional and organizational capacities and targeted to the poor and vulnerable producers. One of the main objectives of the initiative was to promote farmers' participation in the design process and their empowered role in the future advisory system.

XIX European seminar on extension education "Theory and practice of advisory work in a time of turbulences"

Type: News

The background document for the FAO e-mail conference entitled "The role of agricultural biotechnologies for production of bioenergy in developing countries" is now available. The 22-page document gives an overview of the current status regarding bioenergy, focusing on first- and second-generation liquid biofuels, including the reasons for the major current focus on liquid biofuels as well as current concerns about them.

Type: Publications

This study was carried out in the Central African Republic by first identifying and examining public institutions, organizations, projects, non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations active in the region in the area of research and agricultural extension. (In French)

Type: Publications

One of the major challenges for Gabon is to achieve economic growth based on the sustainable development of its productive and renewable resources (agriculture, fisheries, forestry), particularly in its pursuit of a public programme of investment, supported by the private sector, in the agricultural sector. (In French)

Type: Publications

This publication illustrates that the absence of national policies for research and extension in Chad creates difficulties for the adequate functioning of research and extension institutions in the country. (In French)

Type: Publications

This publication examines the current system of research and extension systems in the Congo and further explores options for knowledge sharing and technology transfer. (In French)

Type: Publications

This publication examines a project for the Communauté économique et monétaire de l’Afrique centrale (CEMAC), the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa. The project aims to assist the Executive Secretariat of CEMAC in drafting a development plan for a sustainable network of knowledge transfer and agricultural technologies generated by research. (In French)

Type: Publications

This publication examines the current system of research and extension systems in the Cameroon and further explores options for the knowledge sharing and technology transfer. (In French)

Type: Publications

This document represents a collaborative effort by the Secretariat of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the Regional Forums to agree on a common policy for advocacy on Information and Communication Management. The recognition of knowledge as a critical resource for practising efficient farming and developing agriculture makes sharing and exchange of knowledge globally vital for agricultural development. Since agricultural research is a major source of new agricultural knowledge, this is a key strategic area of focus and intervention by GFAR whose mandate is to promote and facilitate agricultural research for development (ARD).

Type: Publications

The purpose of this publication was to identify “good practices” within different agricultural extension and advisory service institutions that have used new agricultural innovations, in order to improve rural livelihoods and, to educate farmers to use sustainable natural resource management practices in different countries. The publication reviews the four major objectives of extension systems in the agricultural development process: 1) technology dissemination; 2) human capital development; 3) building social capital and 4) educating farmers to manage natural resources sustainably.

Publication available in: English , Español , Русский