The link between agriculture and human nutrition
This publication describes the analytical process carried out under the European Union-funded SALSA project which enabled the development of a European map of the distribution of small farms at the NUTS-3 level and assessed the capabilities and usefulness of Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites for small farms monitoring, specifically in providing information about crop types, crop area extent and crop production.
A revamped version of the TECA platform is now available. Find out more in the TECA newsletter.
The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) is a G20 initiative to improve efficiency and effectiveness of capacity development programmes and of knowledge sharing in order to strengthen agricultural innovation systems in the tropics and sub-tropics. The Secretariat of TAP is hosted by the Research and Extension Unit, Office of Innovation, of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. This video illustrates the goals and work of TAP.
This brochure wants to present the five-year TAP-AIS project (2019-2024) funded by the European Union, under the DeSIRA Initiative. The project has the main objective to strengthen capacities to innovate in national agricultural innovation systems (AIS) in the context of climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific.
The TAP-AIS project (GCP/GLO/017/EC) on strengthening the agricultural innovation system in Lao PDR, implemented by National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by European Union, carried out a broad assessment of the national Agriculture Innovation System (AIS) to develop a comprehensive understanding of the current status of the national AIS in Lao PDR and identify the main entry points for strengthening capacity of key organizations and stakeholders of the national AIS.
Consolidated report June 2021
Case study on science and technology backyard
Women play a key role in agriculture and food security, making up around 48 percent of the agricultural labour force in low-income countries. Despite this, their important contribution is hardly visible and largely unrecognized. Gender equality regards human rights but gender-based constraints in the sector cause also major inefficiencies in value chains, and are a key impediment for rural development, food security, and social and environmental sustainability. Moreover, the severe and multidimensional constraints faced by women hamper their productive potential and livelihoods. Women’s needs for knowledge and support often differ from the services offered, which are typically tailored to a...
This policy brief has been developed to offer specific key-recommendations and lessons learned, which the Government of Liberia could consider for strengthening its support to the NARS of the country. Ultimately, the recommendations are intended to ensure efficient adoption of the proposed methodologies for enhancing the impact of the AR4D efforts of the NARS in Liberia.