Research and Extension Systems

8th TAP Partners Assembly, Side Event : Strengthening the policy innovation capacity of food systems: how to engage in the science-policy interface?

Virtual - , 22/11/2021 -

Side event organized by the European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development (Agrinatura), the DeSIRA-LIFT project, the Directorate-General for International Partnerships of the European Commission (DG INTPA) and the DeSIRA initiative.

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It is now widely acknowledged that food systems need to transform across the globe to better serve societal needs and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Many call for new paradigms and multi-stakeholder collaboration to develop new knowledge and support innovation that can result in systemic change. 

The science-policy interface is a key component of the innovation capacity of a food system. In this side event, various stakeholders will reflect on their experiences with various science policy interfaces and share their lessons learnt on questions such as:

•What capacities are needed to address policy issues and engage with policy makers? 

•How to develop interactions between research and policy?

•What is the right level of interaction with policy makers? 

The session will finish with a joint reflection on required strategies and actions to further strengthen the science-policy interface in food systems.


10:30-10:45 CET 

Opening remarks |  Ismahane Elouafi, FAO Chief Scientist

Welcome | Helena Posthumus (Agrinatura / WUR, DeSIRA-LIFT)

10:45-11:00 CET

Keynote presentation: Engaging successfully in the science-policy interface: the case of viticulture in France | Jean-Marc Touzard (INRAe)

11:00-11:05 CET


11:05-11:50 CET

Panel: science-policy interface | Koffi Alinon (CIRAD), Selvaraju Ramasamy (FAO), Kwaku Antwi (FARA), Guy Faure (DG INTPA)


Poll: Science-policy interface challenges and opportunities


Facilitated discussion

12:20-12:30 CET

Closing remarks | Christophe Larose (DG INTPA)