Sistemas de investigación y extensión

United Nations World Data Forum Webinar: What will be the new normal for statistical training?

Virtual - , 20/05/2021 - 20/05/2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to substantial changes in how training in statistics is provided. Remote learning has become much more common, either through virtual workshops or e-learning materials. The forced adjustment has brought challenges including adaptation to new tools and approaches, lack of personal connection and internet connectivity issues. The change, however, has also brought opportunities such as increased flexibility of when and how trainings take place, how many and who is trained, and less time and financial resources spent on travels.

Once in-person gatherings and travel again become possible, what will be the new normal? Will we go back to in-person workshops with trainers and participants travelling as before, or will we take onboard some of the new approaches we have learned to use during the pandemic?

The shift to remote learning also presents an opportunity to review current approaches and work towards improved coordination of statistical training, with countries taking the lead and deciding on their main training needs, working closely with regional and international partners and utilizing online learning tools to help fill gaps. The Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST) has assessed different approaches to sustainable training programs or systems at national level and provided proposals for how National Statistical Offices can take a stronger lead to ensure that they receive the trainings that meet their needs, particularly ensuring that soft skills are covered and that there is a career training plan.

This webinar, part of the UN World Data Forum series, will bring together various actors to:

  • Share experiences from online delivery of training and ideas of what a new normal for statistical training after the pandemic could look like;
  • Exchange ideas on how to structure and ensure sustainability of future trainings at national level to improve overall coordination and strengthening of national statistical training systems.