Les systèmes de recherche et de vulgarisation


Type: Publications
Year: 2018

Ce fascicule fait partie d’une série d’outils pédagogiques simples concernant les activités clés des boutiques d’intrants (BI). Il permet aux organisations de producteurs (OP) et aux gestionnaires des boutiques d’utiliser des outils pour améliorer la gestion ou décider de la mise en place de l’activité. Depuis des décennies, les paysans nigériens sont confrontés aux problèmes de la faiblesse des rendements des cultures vivrières. C’est dans ce contexte que la FAO, en partenariat avec le Gouvernement nigérien, appuie l’intensification agricole par la filière des intrants agricoles au Niger et le renforcement des capacités des OP. Les BI font partie de cette...

Type: Publications
Year: 2018

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) strongly pursue poverty and food security goals. One of its indicators calls for increased investment, including investments for agricultural research and extension services, etc. This paper is based on a model developed by the authors to calculate the investment requirements for agricultural and rural extension and advisory services (EAS) based on macro-economic data of developing countries. The model reveals significant differences in average investment requirements in different regions and shows the additional EAS costs related to climate change and other areas that currently lack investment.
Occasional papers on innovation in family farming

Type: Publications
Year: 2017

Communiqué from FAO Side Event, 3 October 2016 7th GFRAS Annual Meeting, 3–7 October 2016, Limbé, Cameroon

Type: Publications
Year: 2017

Based on extensive literature review, the paper provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on “inclusive pluralistic service systems”, examining the need for demand-driven service provision, the diverse providers and approaches to service delivery, and the policy considerations and institutional challenges constraining the operation of inclusive PSS.

Type: Publications
Year: 2017

Report of FAO Expert Consultation, HQ, Rome, May 2016

This paper presents a synthesis of the expert consultation deliberations, and highlights a set of key messages and policy recommendations on the main themes of accountability, coordination, financing mechanisms and scaling of inclusive PSS.