Digital agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) have a great potential to enhance accessibility, delivery, transparency, scope and impacts of information and services for smallholder farmers. However, this potential is often unfully harnessed and the benefits of digital AEAS unequally distributed due to an evident, widening digital divide between rural and urban areas, gender, and different social groups both within and among regions. Due to low-level e-literacy and digital skills, particularly smallholder farmers in rural areas in developing countries have limited access to and utilization of digital AEAS. Considering the above-mentioned benefits of digital AEAS, their poor uptake by smallholder...
This guide is aimed to propose a holistic, systemic, and easy-to-use methodology that is multiscalar, multisectoral, and multidimensional for the M&E of public EAS systems to help identify gaps and pathways to strengthen and reform the public EAS system. It starts with analyses of the common objectives, subject, challenges, lessons learned, and prospects of the existing M&E systems and expounds on the logical framework, rationale and objectives of the proposed M&E methodology from a multistakeholder perspective. Then it proposes M&E frameworks at the national and grassroots levels following such order as the introduction, key M&E elements, indicator framework, and operational...
This policy brief proposes a holistic, systemic, and easy-to-use methodology that is multi-scalar, multi-sectoral, and multi-dimensional for the M&E of public EAS systems, so as to help identify gaps and pathways to strengthen and reform public EAS system. It delivers such key messages as (1) the rationale and objectives of the proposed M&E methodology, (2) M&E frameworks at the national and grass-roots levels following such an order as introduction, key M&E elements, indicator framework, and operational framework, (3) the issues of data sources and data collection, (4) the issue of capacity building, and (5) methods of data analysis.
This case study was conducted to provide a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities related to Egypt’s agricultural research and organizational development to draw lessons and develop supporting guidelines. This study aimed to enhance efforts exerted by Egypt’s NARS in the field of developmental research by formulating an integrated and coherent approach for research and dissemination of proven technologies and practices. Such approaches are expected to address key bottlenecks and provide the needed direction and means for sustainable improved implementation of AR4D. This can ultimately lead to enhancing and empowering the capacity of Egypt’s NARS to better inform and...
As part of the efforts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support and strengthen NARS’ research impacts and their links to extension service systems, the present assessment was conducted in Liberia to establish deeper insight into these challenges and opportunities. The results presented in this comprehensive report can be used to support the development and adoption of guidelines for use by the NARS. The present study was undertaken to assess the implementation of AR4D in Liberia and the key actors involved to better understand the performance and the intuitional linkages amongst them and other...