

Type: 出版物
Year: 2016

L’objectif de cette fiche est de rendre compte de la situation1 des Boutiques d’Intrants (BI) au Niger et de l’intérêt représenté par cette micro-entreprise rurale dans le système d’approvisionnement en intrants aux producteurs et productrices et celui du rôle central joué par leur propriétaire dans ce système: les Organisations de Producteurs (OP).

Type: 出版物
Year: 2015

Insights Based on Assessments of Strengths and Weaknesses of the AIS in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Turkey

This publication represents a synthesis of assessments of national agricultural innovation systems in countries of Central Asia, South Caucasus and Turkey.

Occasional papers on Innovation in Family Farming

Type: 出版物
Year: 2015

This paper provides a summary of the results obtained from three regional needs assessments of Capacity Development (CD) initiatives undertaken by the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) and its partners. The surveyed tropical regions were Southeast Asia, Central America and Sub-Saharan Africa. The findings reveal a mismatch in all three regions between the external supply of primarily individual CD and the actual demand for institutional CD.

Type: 出版物
Year: 2015

This collection of materials contains:

  • The farm business school: One-day orientation programme presents the training concept to  policy-makers and programme managers
  • Seven-day orientation programme prepares facilitators to set up and run farm business schools
  • The handbook outlines the scope of the farm business school programme
  • Training exercises manual provides the working exercises for the training programme
Type: 出版物
Year: 2015

The study reflects on previous World Bank and FAO reports that made the general recommendation to set both research and extension investment targets in developing countries at 1% of agricultural gross domestic product (AgGDP). In order to define proxies for country-specific extension investment targets, authors developed an extension investment model (EIM) based on socio-economic macro-indicators (poverty, undernourishment, access to information and population density) and a method to define estimates for cost increases related to climate change.