Ответственная практика в интересах устойчивого рыболовства

Sea-based sources of marine litter - A review of current knowledge and assessment of data gaps


The 45th Session of GESAMP (2018) supported the establishment of a new working group on sea- based sources of marine litter, under the co-leadership of FAO and IMO. The overall objective of GESAMP Working Group 43 on Sea-based Sources of Marine Litter (WG 43) is to build a broader understanding of sea-based sources of marine litter, in particular from the fishing and shipping sectors, including the relative contribution of different sources and the range and extent of impacts from all sea-based sources of marine litter. 

WG 43 is aiming to produce its first full report by late 2020, and has so far produced two interim reports, the most recent is publically available as session background document to the thirty-fourth session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), here. It should be noted that this interim report represent work in progress, and not the final report by GESAMP. 

The outputs of WG 43 are intended to support the mandates and programmes of work within FAO, IMO and UNEP related to marine litter. The Working Group will address data gaps, including those that have been highlighted through the respective relevant governing bodies of these organizations. 

Photo: © FAO/Ghost Gear Initiative