Responsible Fishing Practices for Sustainable Fisheries

Guidance Document on the Country Status Assessment on Sea-based Marine Plastic Litter


The GloLitter Partnerships project (GloLitter), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and implemented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), aims to assist developing countries to prevent, reduce and control marine plastic litter (MPL) from the maritime transport and fisheries sectors. This Guidance Document focuses on how to prepare a detailed Country Status Assessment on MPL with specific reference to the maritime and fisheries sectors. This Guidance Document also includes an overview of the international legislative frameworks that prevent and reduce sea-based marine plastic litter (SBMPL) from ships and wastes as defined by MARPOL Annex V and the London Convention/ Protocol (LC/LP), as well as the relevant FAO codes and guidelines – specifically the Voluntary Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear (VGMFG). This Guidance Document can further be used to inform the development of National Action Plans (NAPs) on Sea-based Marine Plastic Litter (see complementary Guidance Document in list of published GloLitter Knowledge products).

Download a copy here.