
This guide provides information on how to efficiently, and more specifically, target tuna, while reducing the impact on bycatch species and marine ecosystems.
It aims to promote the adoption of modern methods for more efficient and targeted use of longline...

Technical Guidelines
The Guidelines to Prevent and Reduce Bycatch of Marine Mammals in Capture Fisheries were produced by FAO in response to the request from the Committee on Fisheries at its Thirty-third Session in 2018 to develop technical guidelines on this subject,...

This publication is based on an assessment of fish and fishing gear loss from selected gillnet and trammel net fisheries of India.
It presents information on the types, causes and levels of losses, as well as technological, social, environmental and...

COFI document
Las repercusiones de las operaciones pesqueras sobre el medio ambiente y la biodiversidad, incluidas las causadas por el uso indebido o la gestión inadecuada de las artes de pesca, continúan socavando la sostenibilidad de la pesca y la conservación de...

One of the most contentious issues in management of marine fisheries is the use of mobile bottom contacting gears, mainly trawls and dredges. There are growing concerns about the overall ecosystem impacts of bottom trawling. Some countries have banned bottom...