Pratiques de pêche responsables pour une pêche durable


2020 - Hilborn, R. & Suuronen, P. (Eds.)
One of the most contentious issues in management of marine fisheries is the use of mobile bottom contacting gears, mainly trawls and dredges. There are growing concerns about the overall ecosystem impacts of bottom trawling. Some countries have banned bottom...
COFI document
2020 - Kirsten V.K. Gilardi (WG 43 Chair), Kyle Antonelis, Francois Galgani, Emily Grilly, Pingguo He, Olof Linden, Rafaella Piermarini, Kelsey Richardson, David Santillo, Saly N. Thomas, Pieter Van den Dries, Lumin Wang
In early 2019, GESAMP established Working Group 43 under the co-lead of FAO and IMO, with cosponsorship from UNEP. Later in the year a first, interim report was prepared and is submitted to IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), as...
2020 - FAO
This study provides an overview of the roles that the biodiversity found in and around food and agricultural production systems play in the supply of ecosystem services ranging from provisioning services, such as the supply of food, fuel and fibre,...
2020 - FAO
L’édition 2020 de La situation mondiale des pêches et de l’aquaculture met tout particulièrement l’accent sur la durabilité en raison d’un certain nombre de considérations. Premièrement, l’année 2020 marque le vingt-cinquième anniversaire du Code de conduite pour une pêche responsable...
2020 - FAO
FAO in collaboration with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI), convened a series of regional workshops on Best Practices to Prevent and Reduce Abandoned, Lost and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) between May and November 2019. The workshops which involved Government...