

COFI document
2020 - Kirsten V.K. Gilardi (WG 43 Chair), Kyle Antonelis, Francois Galgani, Emily Grilly, Pingguo He, Olof Linden, Rafaella Piermarini, Kelsey Richardson, David Santillo, Saly N. Thomas, Pieter Van den Dries, Lumin Wang
In early 2019, GESAMP established Working Group 43 under the co-lead of FAO and IMO, with cosponsorship from UNEP. Later in the year a first, interim report was prepared and is submitted to IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), as...
2020 - FAO
This study provides an overview of the roles that the biodiversity found in and around food and agricultural production systems play in the supply of ecosystem services ranging from provisioning services, such as the supply of food, fuel and fibre,...
2020 - FAO
2020年版《世界渔业和水产养殖状况》对可持续性给予了特别关注,这反映出多项具体考虑。首先,2020年是《负责任渔业行为守则》(《守则》)通过的第二十五周年。第二,多项可持续发展目标指标要在2020年完成。第三,粮农组织于2019年末主办了国际渔业可持续性研讨会。第四,粮农组织关于水产养殖可持续增长和价值链社会可持续性的几项准则也将在2020年完成。  本书第1部分保留了以往版本的格式,其余部分的结构已做了调整。第2部分首先用一小节篇幅专门纪念《守则》通过二十五周年。这部分还集中关注新出现的问题,尤其是与粮农组织作为“托监管机构”的可持续发展目标14及其相关指标有关的问题。此外,第2部分还涵盖了渔业和水产养殖可持续性的多个方面,所讨论的话题范围广泛,从数据和信息系统到海洋污染、产品合法性、使用者权利和气候变化适应。第3部分是本书的最后部分,涵盖了预测和新出现的问题,如新技术和水产养殖生物安全,最后简要介绍了实现捕捞渔业新愿景所需要采取的步骤。  《世界渔业和水产养殖状况》旨在向广大受众,包括决策者、管理者、科研人员、利益相关方和所有对渔业和水产养殖部门感兴趣的人,提供客观、可靠和最新的信息。 与主发布的其他材料也可用: 在线阅读 在线阅读全本数字报告  视图 互动故事  下载宣 概要  下载宣 2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行对渔业和水产养殖的影响概述 在此下载报告。
2020 - FAO
FAO in collaboration with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI), convened a series of regional workshops on Best Practices to Prevent and Reduce Abandoned, Lost and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) between May and November 2019. The workshops which involved Government...
Media resources
2020 - FAO
It has been estimated that 640 000 tonnes of fishing gear is lost or abandoned in the oceans every year, which traps fish or other marine life and negatively impact marine ecosystems. FAO in collaboration with GGGI is running workshops...