الحق في الغذاء حول العالم

اختر مستوى الاعتراف الدستوري

من أجل العثور على العناصر التي تبحث عنها، يمكن إجراء عمليات البحث عن طريق معايير مختلفة: حسب الدولة أو نوع الاعتراف الدستوري، حيث يمكن اختيار أكثر من نوع.

الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي
الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي
المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة
الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية
الأحكام الأخرى ذات الصلة بإعمال الحق في الغذاء الكافي
تم العثور على 112 دولة

الجبل الأسود

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 9: “The ratified and published international agreements and generally accepted rules of international law shall make an integral part of the internal legal order, shall have the supremacy over the national legislation and shall apply directly when they regulate relations differently than the national legislation.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 154: «Les traités ratifiés par le Président de la République, dans les conditions prévues par la Constitution, sont supérieurs à la loi.»

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 63 : «L’Etat veille à assurer au citoyen: l’accès à l’eau potable et à sa préservation pour les générations futures; la protection de sa santé, notamment des personnes démunies ainsi que la prévention et la lutte contre les maladies épidémiques et endémiques; l’accès au logement, notamment pour les catégories défavorisées.»

Article 72 : «L’Etat œuvre à assurer aux personnes vulnérables ayant des besoins spécifiques, leur insertion dans la vie sociale. Les conditions et les modalités d'application de cette disposition sont fixées par la loi.»

الجمهوريّة الدومينيكيّة

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 26: International relations and international lawThe Dominican Republic is a State member of the international community, open to cooperation and tied to the norms of international law, consequently: 1. It recognizes and applies the norms of international law, general and American, in the method in which its public powers have adopted them; 2. The norms in effect from international ratified agreements shall rule in the internal realm, once published in an official manner; 3. The international relations of the Dominican Republic are based and ruled by the affirmation and promotion of its national values and interests, respect for human rights and international law; 4. In equality of conditions with other States, the Dominican Republic accepts an international judicial system that guarantees respect of fundamental rights, peace, justice, and political, social, economic and cultural development of nations. It promises to act on the international, regional, and national levels in a manner compatible with national interests, the peaceful coexistence between peoples and the duties of solidarity with all nations; 5. The Dominican Republic shall promote and favor integration with the nations of America, toward the end of strengthening a community of nations that defends the interests of the region. The State may enter into international treaties in order to promote the common development of the nations, that safeguard the well-being of the peoples and the collective security of their inhabitants, and in order to confer supranational organizations the required abilities to participate in processes of integration; 6. It declares itself in favor of economic solidarity between the countries of America and supports all initiatives in defense of its basic products, raw materials, and biodiversity. 

Article 74: Principles of regulation and interpretation - [...] 3. Treaties, pacts, and conventions related to human rights, adopted and ratified by the Dominican State have constitutional hierarchy and are for direct and immediate application by the courts and other organs of the State.

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 8: “The effective protection of the rights of the person, the respect of their dignity and the securing of means that allow for their perfection in an egalitarian, equitable and progressive way, within a framework of individual liberty and social justice, compatible with the public order, the general well-being and the rights of all is an essential function of the State.”

Article 54: “The State shall promote research and the transference of technology for the production of foods and primary materials of agricultural origin, with the goal of increasing productivity and guaranteeing food security.”

Article 57: “The family, society, and the State shall come together for the protection and the assistance of elderly people and shall promote their integration into active community life. The State shall guarantee the services of integral social security and food subsidies in the case of poverty.”

Article 61.1: “The State should safeguard the protection of the health of all persons, access to potable water, improvement of nutrition, sanitation services, hygienic conditions, environmental cleanliness, as well as procure means for the prevention and treatment of all sicknesses, ensuring access to quality medication and giving medical and hospital assistance for free to those who need it."

Article 61.2: "The State shall guarantee, through legislation and public policies, the exercise of the economic and social rights of the low-income population and, consequently, shall lend its protection and assistance to vulnerable groups and sectors, shall fight social vices with the appropriate means and with the aid of international agreements and organizations.”

Artículo 62.9: “All workers have the right to a wage that is just and sufficient to permit them to live with dignity and cover the basic material, social, and intellectual needs of themselves and their families.[...]”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 27:
(1)The Bill of Rights is a covenant among the Sudanese people and between them and their governments at every level and a commitment to respect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in this Constitution; it is the cornerstone of social justice, equality and democracy in the Sudan;"


Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(2): “The State is committed to the respect and promotion of human dignity; and is founded on justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and fundamental freedoms and assures multi-partism.”

Article 10(1): “The overarching aims of economic development shall be eradication of poverty, attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, guaranteeing the equitable distribution of wealth, redressing imbalances of income and achieving a decent standard of life for all citizens.”

Article 12(1): “The State shall develop policies and strategies to ensure social justice among all people of the Sudan, through ensuring means of livelihood and opportunities of employment.”

Article 14(1): “The State shall adopt policies and provide facilities for child and youth welfare and ensure that they develop morally and physically, and protect them from moral and physical abuse and abandonment.”

Article 32: 
(1) The State shall guarantee equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights;
(5) The State shall protect the rights of the child as provided in the international and regional conventions ratified by the Sudan.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Artículo 144: “Los tratados internacionales celebrados por El Salvador con otros estados o con organismos internacionales, constituyen leyes de la República al entrar en vigencia, conforme a las disposiciones del mismo tratado y de esta Constitución. La ley no podrá modificar o derogar lo acordado en un tratado vigente para El Salvador. En caso de conflicto entre el tratado y la ley, prevalecerá el tratado."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 37: “El trabajo es una función social, goza de la protección del Estado, y no se considera artículo de comercio. El Estado empleará todos los recursos que estén a su alcance para proporcional ocupación al trabajador, manual o intelectual, y para asegurar a él y a su familia las condiciones económicas de una existencia digna. De igual forma promoverá el trabajo y empleo de las personas con limitaciones o incapacidades físicas, mentales o sociales.”

Artículo 38.2: “Todo trabajador tiene derecho a devengar un salario mínimo, que se fijará periódicamente. Para fijar este salario sea tenderá sobre todo al costo de la vida, a la índole de la labora los diferentes sistemas de remuneración, a las distintas zonas de producción y a otros criterios similares. Este salario deberá ser suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades normales del hogar del trabajador en el orden material, moral y cultural.”

Artículo 101: “El orden económico debe responder esencialmente a principios de justicia social, que tiendan a asegurar a todos los habitantes del país una existencia digna del ser humano. El Estado promoverá el desarrollo económico y social mediante el incremento de la producción, la productividad y la racional utilización de los recursos. Con igual finalidad, fomentará los diversos sectores de la producción y defenderá el interés de los consumidores."


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 98: "The treaties or agreements regularly ratified or approved have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve, for each treaty or agreement, of its application by the other party."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 7: "The human person is sacred. It is inviolable. The State has the obligation to respect it and to protect it. Every individual has the right to life, to liberty, to security, to the free development of his personality, to corporeal integrity, notably to protection against all physical mutilations. The Senegalese people recognize the existence of the inviolable and inalienable rights of man as the basis of all human community, of peace and of justice in the world. All human beings are equal before the law. Men and Women are equal in right [droit]. The law promotes [favorise] the equal access of women and men to the mandates and functions. There is in Senegal no constraint [sujet], or privilege arising from birth, from person or from family."

Article 8: "The Republic of Senegal guarantees to all citizens the fundamental individual freedoms, the economic and social rights as well as the collective rights. These freedoms and rights are notably: the civil and political freedoms: freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement [deplacemnent], [and] freedom of manifestation; the cultural freedoms; the religious freedoms; the philosophical freedoms; the syndical freedoms; the freedom of enterprise; the right to education; the right to know how to read and to write; the right to property; the right to work; the right to health; right to a healthy [sain] environment; [and] the right to plural information.These freedoms and these rights are exercised within the conditions provided for by the law."

Article 17: "Marriage and the family constitute the natural and moral base of the human community. They are placed under the protection of the State. The State and the public collectivities have the duty to see to the physical and moral health of the family and, in particular of the handicapped persons and of elderly [âgees] persons. The State guarantees to families in general, and to those living in [the] rural milieu in particular[,] the access to the services of health and of well being. It guarantees equally to women in general and to those living in [the] rural milieu in particular, the right to alleviation of their conditions of life."


الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 25: “All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living. In all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavors for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 98.2: “The treaties concluded by Japan and established laws of nations shall be faithfully observed.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 28.1: “The generally recognised rules of international law, as well as international conventions as of the time they are ratified by statute and become operative according to their respective conditions, shall be an integral part of domestic Greek law and shall prevail over any contrary provision of the law. The rules of international law and of international conventions shall be applicable to aliens only under the condition of reciprocity.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 21.3: "The State shall care for the health of citizens and shall adopt special measures for the protection of youth, old age, disability and for the relief of the needy.”

Article 22.1: “Work constitutes a right and shall enjoy the protection of the State, which shall care for the creation of conditions of employment for all citizens and shall pursue the moral and material advancement of the rural and urban working population.”


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 45: “Duly approved or ratified treaties and international agreements shall, following their publication, override national laws, provided the other party implements the said treaty or agreement.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Preamble: "[...] Resolved to harness our natural resources in order to ensure the well-being of every citizen without discrimination, by raising living standards, proclaim our right to development as well as our determination to devote all our efforts to that end and declare our readiness to cooperate with all States desirous of participating in this national endeavour with due respect for our sovereignty and the independence of the Cameroonian State"


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 177: “The application of the provisions of this Constitution shall not invalidate the obligations of Kuwait's treaties and agreements with States and international bodies.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 11: “The State ensures aid for citizens in old age, sickness, or inability to work. It also provides them with services of social security, social aid, and medical care.”