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Global Right to Food and Nutrition Network of civil society organizations

The project supports the development of a Global Network for the Right to Adequate Food that articulates various civil society actors working for the right to food in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The objective is to strengthen civil society organizations to integrate the human right to food into the work of the CFS and among its members.

The project is:

  • Facilitating and conducting a consultation process with different civil society groups regarding the nature and goals of the Global Right to Food and Nutrition Network proposal.
  • Facilitating, in close cooperation with the core group of the upcoming network, the elaboration of the draft Charter, draft criteria for membership, draft working procedures and a draft work plan.
  • Facilitating and conducting the international face-to-face meeting to finalize discussions, approve the founding documents (Charter, criteria for membership, working procedures, work plan) and launching the Global Right to Food and Nutrition Network.

The project works together with the Spanish funded project “Support to the Strengthening of FAO's Cooperation with Civil Society” in FAO.

The project supported a consultation of the Working Group of Civil Society Facility of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF). The online consultation on the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition annotated outline of the Committee on World Food Security began in late July 2011. The main result of the consultation was a draft working paper including the vision, expectations and challenges of social organizations to turn the GSF into the most important instrument for all players involved in developing food and nutrition policies. It proposed a new paradigm in global governance with the coherence of policies on human rights and dignity, respect for sovereignty of peoples and the right to civil society participation and social movements, especially of small farmers.

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