The Right to Food

News and Events

On the ground - 10.12.2020

How FAO is helping every man, woman and child have access to affordable and nutritious food.

News - 10.12.2020

You can now subscribe and stay informed about the latest updates and upcoming activities, as well as publications and resources related to the right to food.

News - 10.12.2020

This year the Human Rights Day’s theme calls to build back better by addressing inequalities, promoting universal social protection and prioritizing the most vulnerable, while encouraging participation and driving sustainable development.

News - 10.12.2020

The statement called upon the Government to place the fundamental human rights at the heart of its recovery endeavors from this devastating pandemic that left so many vulnerable.

On the ground - 09.12.2020

With the support of ODA-E and FAO, the cities of Valencia and Valladolid, finished the review of their implementation processes of the Urban Food Policy Pact.

On the ground - 08.12.2020

The country is well known for many reasons over the world, its firm political commitment to eradicate hunger must be one of them.

News - 07.12.2020

NEW! Podcast with Q&A to FAO experts about the linkages between plant health and the access to adequate food

News - 02.12.2020

The United Nations calls for the targeting of new policies and investments in the lagging territories of Latin America and the Caribbean.

News - 26.11.2020

FAO’s The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2020 takes a new look at water shortages and scarcity in the world.

On the ground - 24.11.2020

How governments, working together with farmers’ organizations, can make access to sufficient, affordable, safe and nutritious food a reality.

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