The Right to Food

News and Events

News - 17.06.2023

FAO welcomes new Global Parliamentary Pact for greater participation and involvement of legislators to strengthen political commitment as well as for concrete initiatives and budget allocation, among other actions.

Events - 14.06.2023

The right to food is of particular importance to vulnerable groups, amongst which are indigenous peoples.

News - 12.06.2023

Child labour violates the rights of children and endangers the health and education of the young.

News - 07.06.2023

On World Food Safety Day, FAO and WHO highlight the role food standards play in protecting human health and in transforming global agrifood systems

Events - 12.05.2023

Looking towards the 20th anniversary of the Right to Food Guidelines, the results of this call will help inform on efforts made to realize the right to adequate food at local, national, regional or global level, and provide an important stock taking opportunity for countries and their people.

On the ground - 25.04.2023

Uganda affirms commitment to drive a forward-looking agenda for a rights-based and inclusive transformation of agrifood systems.

Events - 21.04.2023

Parliamentarians from all over the world will will explore the possibility of creating formal voluntary commitments via networks of parliamentarians based on a Global Parliamentary Pact, which would include periodic monitoring and follow-up on legislative outcomes and achievements.

Events - 17.04.2023

The Conference aims at positioning the human right to adequate food as a lever for harnessing inclusivity in the food systems transformation agenda of Uganda so that no one is left behind in the process.

News - 04.04.2023

During the session, the Council held various thematic discussions, including on the right to food, adequate housing, the rights of children and persons with disabilities, minorities, the right to development, and climate and environment, among others.

News - 31.03.2023

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