The Right to Food

News and Events

News - 17.11.2016

A mission to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, was conducted by FAO from 7 to 11 November 2016 upon the request of the national authorities to explore the opportunity of supporting the integration of the right to adequate food in the Constitution of Burkina Faso, currently under review.

News - 14.11.2016

In collaboration with the government of Togo and with the aim to further support the country’s efforts in the progressive realization of the right to food, on 7 November 2016 FAO launched in Lomé a two-day workshop for Togolese Parliamentarians to exchange experiences on the development of a framework law on the right to food.

News - 28.10.2016

The Timeline highlights national, regional and global milestones for the realization of the right to adequate food as well as other substantive contributions to the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines. In addition to theglobal milestones and national constitutions explicitly protecting the right to adequate food, regional milestones are now also displayed.

News - 25.08.2016

The Framework Law on the human right to adequate food and food security and nutrition was presented in August to the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica. The Law explicitly recognizes the right to adequate food in the country and establishes the food security and nutrition as a legal right. It also states the government’s obligations to create the necessary conditions to exercise this human right and guarantee food security for all through measurable targets.

On the ground - 01.08.2016

FAO support in Nepal continues to be instrumental in assisting the Government-led efforts in the implementation of the right to adequate food. Through the project financially supported by Norway "Integrating the Right to Adequate Food and Good Governance in National Policies, Legislation and Institutions” started in 2011, FAO role has been fundamental in the constitution-making process since the beginning, through technical input, advocacy and awareness raising.

News - 30.06.2016

Organized jointly by FAO and the University Complutense in light of the summer course Zero Hunger is possible, a Conference on the right to adequate food took place in San Lorenzo de El Escorial on 28 June. With Her Majesty Letizia in attendance, Juan Carlos Garcia y Cebolla (Team Leader of FAO’s Right to Food Team) emphasized the political nature of the hunger and food insecurity crisis and laid down some avenues to address and overcome those challenges.

News - 25.06.2016

Organized jointly by the Institution of the Human Rights Prosecutor (PDH), FAO and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the workshop “Políticas Públicas vinculadas al Derecho a la Alimentación Adecuada y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en Guatemala” took place from the 21 to 23 June in Guatemala.

News - 20.06.2016

Organized jointly by FAO Senegal and the Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), the 10th edition of the Windows on agriculture took place on April 14th 2016 in the context of the Foire internationale de l’agriculture et des ressources animales. This edition examined “How to improve food security and nutrition in Senegal through a human rights-based approach”. The Window on agriculture represents a multistakeholder platform where representatives of State Ministries, local communities, technical and financial partners, civil society actors, producers and research institutes in Senegal.

News - 25.05.2016

To present the current drafting process of the Framework Law for Food Security and Nutrition in Costa Rica, a seminar was held at FAO headquarters on 24 May 2016. The draft Framework Law explicitly recognizes the right to adequate food and reaffirms its justiciability. It also promotes food security and nutrition as a mean to achieve the full realization of the human right to adequate food in the country.

News - 16.05.2016

On 11 May 2016, the FAO Right to Food Team organized at FAO headquarters a seminar to present the findings of the study “The Impact of Gender Policy Processes on the Right to Food: The Case of Cambodia”. The study, presented by the author Margherita Maffii (Right to Food International Consultant), was undertaken to identify possible approaches for the development of activities on the right to food in the Kingdom of Cambodia, using gender policies and initiatives currently at work in the country as an entry-point.

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