The Right to Food

News and Events

News - 05.08.2011

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), assisted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has recently adopted a Regional Food and Nutrition Security Policy to ensure safe, adequate, nutritious and affordable food for the region’s inhabitants, from a human rights-based approach.
Currently, a Regional Food and Nutrition Security Action Plan is being developed in order to implement the recently adopted Policy.

News - 26.07.2011

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is launching a global and inclusive online consultation to gather feedback for the preparation of its Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF).
The consultation is open to all interested stakeholders and will be open from the 26th of July to the 15th of October.

News - 20.06.2011

On June 9 and 10, 2011, an expert consultation on the right to food in Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Bogotá jointly organized by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). In all, around 50 food experts, parliamentarians and policy-makers from the region discussed on the progress made and the challenges ahead in the realization of the right to adequate food for all.

News - 30.05.2011

In April 2011 the Supreme Court of Nepal published a key decision regarding the right to food in the country. Included in the Interim Constitution of 2007 and clarified by a Supreme Court interim order in September of 2008, the right of everyone to adequate food has been reinforced by this decision and some vital specifications have been made. Aside from the availability of food, the Court puts emphasis on the role of the authorities in ensuring that food is accessible and affordable for the people. This is a significant step forward taken to ensure the respect, protection and fulfilment of the right to food.

News - 11.04.2011

A Multi-stakeholder side event on “Realizing The Right to Food: Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Nutrition Security” took place at the Bali International Convention Centre in Bali, Indonesia on 15 March 2011, during the Fourth Regular Session of Governing Body (GB4) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).

News - 25.03.2011

The Exigibilidade study is an advocacy tool which provides practical examples on how to implement the right to food at country level. The study underlines the very important role of the civil society in creating mechanisms to make the state accountable for violations of the right to adequate food. In Brazil, important institutional advances towards the development of instruments to claim, investigate and monitor the realization of the right to food have been set up.

News - 24.02.2011

This study reviews the legal protection of the right to food at national level, through constitutional provisions, national legislation and the direct applicability of international law. A comprehensive review of all the constitutions of the world found that the right to food is constitutionally protected in at least 106 countries.
In these countries, individuals can claim the right to food in front of their national courts.

News - 29.12.2010

A milestone was reached last December 15th, 2010 during a workshop organized by members of the Legislative Assembly of the Plurinational State of Bolivia with the support of FAO to discuss issues related to the legislative process around the human right to food. The main outcome of this successful event was the formation of a group of parliamentarians who will be responsible, with other relevant actors, for drafting a human right to food law for Bolivia. It was the first time that the Parliament organized a workshop of this kind on the theme of the right to food.

News - 10.12.2010

This study is an important technical tool for everyone working on the right to food and on its implementation at any level. Access to justice is recognized as an essential component of the Right to Food Guidelines and is essential to protect victims of violations of such right. This publication shows that traditional arguments against justiciability are today outdated and that access to justice is therefore possible. To this end, it is important to increase awareness and develop capacities of lawyers and judges to defend this right.

News - 01.12.2010

We are pleased to make available on our website the Land Tenure Working Paper 15 entitled “A responsible governance of land tenure: an essential means for realizing the right to food” This paper is available in Spanish and in English and have been jointly produced by the Right to Food Team and the Climate, Energy and Tenure Division, of FAO.

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