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Let these right to food-related resources update you in November!

News - 02.11.2021

2 November 2021, Rome - "Every individual and every organ of society … shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms." - Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

The right to food is a cross-cutting issue. There are many dimensions interrelated, actors and processes involved, diversity of visions, subtle difference between concepts or emerging issues.

In order for every person to be able to fulfil the right to adequate food, or to advocate for its implementation, an understanding of certain issues and skills are needed.  

The materials available on this page are studies, platforms and other resources that have been recently published not only by FAO but also other entities, sometimes issues in one or more of the six official FAO languages. The selection of items has been made by the FAO Right to Food Team, who aims to share information, provide practical guidance and stimulate debate on various aspects of the right to food.

Over 2021 FAO will be posting an update of these resources.

We hope you find them useful and enjoy this food for thought!


 Selection of right to food-related resources in October


COVID-19, democratic governance and the 'barely middle class' in Latin America | UNDP

COVID-19 broke out at a time when Latin America was already experiencing significant social unrest, fueled to a large extent by growing dissatisfaction with the state of politics and the social contract more broadly. Given this context, how has the pandemic impacted citizens’ views of the public sphere and opinions about democratic governance? 

Secretary-General's Policy Brief: Investing in Jobs and Social Protection for Poverty Eradication and a Sustainable Recovery | United Nations Sustainable Development Group

Recovery trends from COVID-19 between advanced and developing economies are deeply uneven. This two-track recovery is now creating a great divergence, which, if not corrected, will undermine trust and solidarity and fuel conflict and forced migration, and make the world more vulnerable to future crises, including climate change.


The 2021 Lancet Countdown  | Researchers from 43 academic institutions and UN agencies

This report exposes an unabated rise in the health impacts of climate change and the current health consequences of the delayed and inconsistent response of countries around the globe—providing a clear imperative for accelerated action that puts the health of people and planet above all else.


Viewpoint: Rigorous monitoring is necessary to guide food system transformation in the countdown to the 2030 global goals | Prepared under the general direction of Jessica Fanzo, Lawrence Haddad, and Jose Rosero Moncayo

The goal of food system transformation is to generate a future where all people have access to healthy diets. A rigorous, science-based monitoring framework can support evidence-based policymaking.

Evidence platform for agri-food systems and nutrition  | FAO

This platform provides evidence and tools to support governments and stakeholders in the uptake of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition. It aims to facilitate the implementation of the 105 VGFSyN recommendations for action aiming at achieving sustainable agri-food systems, enabling healthy diets and improving nutrition.


Right to science in the context of toxic substances| Report of the Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes,


Fair food for all! | We Effect and Vi Agroforestry

Hunger in the world is increasing and the coronavirus pandemic has acutely exacerbated the situation. The report shows how long-term development cooperation for agriculture, with a focus on women, is crucial in assuring everyone´s right to food through food security, accessibility and affordability in the world´s most countries.

Global Hunger Index |  Welt Hunger Hilfe

Global Report Against Food Crises 2021 | Global Network against Food Crisis. This update highlights that the number of people in 'crisis' situation or worse being at 161 million. Food insecurity continues to be primarily driven by high levels of conflict with economic shocks, as well as COVID-19-related effects. 


A review of school feeding programmes in the Caribbean Community  |FAO and the University of West Indies

Nutrition-sensitive social protection programs within food systems|IFPRI


Our common agenda- Report of the Secretary-General | United Nations

This report looks ahead to the next 25 years and represents the Secretary-General’s vision on the future of global cooperation and reinvigorating inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism.

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