Derecho a la alimentación

Fancy learning about right to food?

News - 18.06.2020

18 June 2020, Rome- FAO courses about the right to food are now available in the new Elearning Academy, which ensures that competencies tackle local institutions and are tailored to country-specific needs.

One of the two courses provides an overview of the historical development of the right to adequate food, the human rights-based approach and the Right to Food Guidelines. The other one covers a wide range of operational issues such as assessment, legislation, advocacy, education, budgeting and monitoring of this human right. They both are self-paced, free of charge and also in downloadable format. A final evaluation certifies the acquisition of skills, by granting a digital badge.

Training allow professionals working in food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable management of natural resources to be better equipped to address global challenges. Particularly, policy makers and their staffs, government officials and policy-makers, as well as NGOs, social movements, technical cooperation agencies and international financial institutions.

Courses were elaborated in collaboration with German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, under the Project “Creating capacity and instruments to implement the Right to Adequate Food”, in 2007.

The learning academy offers over 350 multilingual courses in food security, nutrition and agriculture. They all contribute to FAO´ mission to help member countries to strengthen their skills and knowledge to achieve their own goals and lasting results, while leading and managing their own development processes.

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