Droit à l'alimentation

Let these right to food-related resources update you in June!

News - 30.05.2021

31 May 2021, Rome - "Every individual and every organ of society … shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms." - Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

The right to food is a cross-cutting issue. There are many dimensions interrelated, actors and processes involved, diversity of visions, subtle difference between concepts or emerging issues.

In order for every person to be able to fulfil the right to adequate food, or to advocate for its implementation, an understanding of certain issues and skills are needed.  

The materials available on this page are studies, platforms and other resources that have been recently published not only by FAO but also other entities, sometimes issues in one or more of the six official FAO languages. The selection of items has been made by the FAO Right to Food Team, who aims to share information, provide practical guidance and stimulate debate on various aspects of the right to food.

Over 2021 FAO will be posting an update of these resources.

We hope you find them useful and enjoy this food for thought!

 Selection of right to food-related resources in May

Advancing human rights through trade|Chatham house

Political shifts, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the struggle for a shared vision of how to ‘build back better’, have reignited the debate about trade and human rights.  Although many trade agreements take human rights impacts into consideration, the monitoring systems that have emerged so far are not comprehensive. Without robust human rights monitoring, trading partners have little chance of ensuring that their counterparts are meeting their commitments.

The Food Systems Decision-Support  Toolbox |Wageningen Research and KIT Royal Tropical Institute

This toolbox has been developed to collate different tools and methods that can be used for food system analysis. It is specifically based on systems thinking for food system analysis, with the aim to formulate actionable recommendations that can bring about systemic change. It describes both the process of a food system analysis, as well as a set of tools that can be used at different stages.

Global Report on Food Crisis 2021 | Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC) 

Conflict, economic shocks – including due to COVID-19, extreme weather – pushed at least 155 million people into acute food insecurity in 2020. The number of people facing acute food insecurity and needing urgent life and livelihood-saving assistance has hit a five-year high in 2020 in countries beset by food crises.

Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition for Europe and Central Asia (SOFI 2020) |FAO, WFP, UNECE, UNICEF, WHO, WMO

The theme this year is "Affordable healthy diets to address all forms of malnutrition for better health".
According to the new report, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed serious threats to food security and nutrition, especially for low-income and vulnerable populations in the region.

Responsible land-based investments in the Mekong region- A comparative analysis of the legal frameworks of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam | FAO

Land tenure security is not only a prominent factor in the promotion of responsible investments, but also a matter of respecting and upholding the human rights of peoples and communities that live in and depend on the land where such investments take place. Land governance is a key development challenge in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam, with land expropriation being one of the main drivers of rural poverty and food insecurity.

Vision and Strategy for FAO’s Work in Nutrition |FAO

It was endorsed at Council 166. FAO works towards a world where all people are eating healthy diets from sustainable, inclusive and resilient agri-food systems. This document describes FAO’s nutrition strategy, consisting of an Accountability Framework and an Implementation Plan. One of the guiding principles is right to food.

The indigenous world 2021 | International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA),

Throughout 2020, Indigenous Peoples were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic They proved their resilience by setting up their own networks and solutions, connecting communities to help transfer information and goods, and implementing traditional methods of protection to keep themselves safe from the virus and the intrusion of outsiders who potentially carried it.

Connect portal |FAO

Connecting private sector partnerships for joint action- The private sector is a key ally in the global fight against food insecurity, malnutrition and rural poverty. The ambitious 2030 Agenda requires all forms of partnership and resources to achieve the SDGs for the benefit of this generation and generations to come.

El reconocimiento constitucional del derecho a la alimentación adecuada en Chile | FAO

The right to adequate food is the right to feed oneself in dignity. It is recognized in international human rights declarations and treaties and in the constitutions and laws of various countries. Although this right is not expressly recognized in the text of the current Chilean Constitution, the process of drafting a new constitution offers a valuable opportunity to do so. This would help drive the great changes required to achieve their effective realization for all people, leaving no one behind. (only in Spanish)
