Droit à l'alimentation

Registration open: Join launch of the School food global hub

Events - 21.06.2022

Rome- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP), the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany and the School Meals Coalition will unveil the new School food global hub.

The event will showcase the main distinctive features and uses of the hub, with focus on the areas in which users can provide their inputs and be involved in first person.

Venue: It will be held virtually on Friday, 23 June at 3 p.m. (CEST).

Languages: English with interpretation in French and Spanish.

To register, kindly click here  


About the School food global hub

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP), supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture are currently implementing a global project that is set to develop a methodology for supporting countries to set and implement nutrition standards for their school food programmes and policies. One of the main deliverables of this project is the creation of a school food global knowledge online hub.

The hub will allow to share evidence, best practices and lessons learned to enhance the global dialogue around the need and potential of improving the quality of school food and food education, and therefore strengthen school programmes around the world. For this reason, it is also expected to become a key platform for the global School Meals Coalition.

The distinctive feature of the hub will be the variety of its users, ranging from school staff to policymakers, from researchers to UN agencies and international organizations. A particular focus will be given to the active participation of youth, to enhance their ownership of the process of improving the quality of their school food and food education.


Opening (16 min)

  • Tanja Grén, Permanent Representative-Designate of Finland to FAO, WFP and IFAD (8 min)
  • Doris Heberle, Deputy Director General Nutrition, BMEL (8 min)

Session 1: The hub as the main platform for the peer to peer exchange (10 min)

  • Fatima Hachem, Senior Nutrition Officer, FAO (5 min)
  • Edward Lloyd-Evans, Policy and Research Officer, Head of the Knowledge Management and Research Team, School Based Programme, WFP (5 min)

Session 2: Features and uses of the school food global hub (16 min)

  • Michele Doura, Programme Policy Officer, WFP (8 min)
  • Melissa Vargas, Technical Adviser, FAO (8 min)

Session 3: Questions and answers (10 min)

Session 4: Interventions from countries and focal points of other SMC initiatives (20 min)

  • Lela Sturua, Head of NCD Department, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia (5 min)
  • Najla Veloso, Regional Coordinator of the Project “Consolidation of School Feeding Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean”, FAO Brazil (TBC) (5 min)
  • Sarmoye Boussanga, Director of the National Centre of School Canteens, Ministry of National Education of Mali (TBC) (5 min)
  • Donald Bundy, Director, Global Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition (5 min)

Closing (5 min)
