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Join side event on human rights at the 7th Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy Week

Events - 24.06.2022

This side event will present state-of-the-art human rights research past and future and facilitate discussion around what this means in practice for researchers, implementers, policymakers and citizens in low- middle- and high-income countries. The aim is to illustrate how the concept of human rights may be applied to issues relevant to agriculture, nutrition and health, and explore interest in generating a theme of work on rights in the Academy.


Wednesday, 29 June 2022, from 11:45 to 12:45  (BST British Summer Time GMT)

To register, kindly click here  



  • Jody Harris, Research Fellow, IDS and World Vegetable Center.

History of the Human Right to Adequate Food: a global policy perspective

  • Serena Pepino, Right to Food Team Leader, FAO, Former Advisor to the UN Rapporteur on the Right to Food on matters related to CFS

Role of rights in policy and its application:  -Experience from FAO/FIRST Program in Uganda

  • David Kabanda, Director, Center for Food and Adequate Living Rights  (CEFROHT)

Overview of HR research relevant to food and nutrition, and a practical application of rights in research for action: A right to nutrition in Zambia

  • Jody Harris, Research Fellow, IDS and World Vegetable Center.

Overview of People Centered Food Systems Project-Wrap up (next steps, discussion points and further engagement)

  • Swetha Manohar, Fellow, Global Food Ethics and Policy Program, Johns Hopkins University

About the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy

The Academy is a global community of interdisciplinary researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working on agriculture and food systems for improved nutrition and health, with over 5,700 members in 145 countries, over 60% of whom are in Africa or Asia.

Led by the London School of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine (LSHTM), the ANH Academy is co-funded by the UK government and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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