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Less than two weeks until CFS 51!

Events - 13.10.2023

Rome- Stakeholders from various sectors will convene at the fifty-first plenary session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 51) on 23-27 October for meaningful discussions around food security and nutrition, including coordinated policy responses to the food crisis, gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment, data collection and analysis tools, price volatility, social protection and reducing inequalities. The plenary will be divided into two parts – a ministerial segment (23-24 October) and a senior-level segment (25-27 October).

In addition, 36 side events will be held on the margins of the plenary to enrich and complement the CFS 51 Plenary, and to provide an opportunity for partners and other stakeholders to highlight their work.Each of these 75-minute side events enriches and complements the CFS 51 Plenary by highlighting the work of stakeholders relevant to the CFS vision and mandate, particularly where CFS policy guidance and frameworks are being effectively used to foster partnerships to advance the 2030 Agenda, particularly the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2. 

Right to food highlights 

The right to food will feature prominently across the CFS Plenary´s agenda, and in particular in these two events:

  • Special event 

The event will highlight the importance of Right to Food Guidelines as a valuable tool in addressing the underlying causes of hunger and malnutrition. This will take place on 27 October 2023 from 10:00 to 13:00. Find out more here.

  • Side event "Human rights-based approaches to global challenges and climate action for the Right to Adequate Food for all"

At a time of compounded and multiple crises where conflicts and wars, COVID-19, the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity put high pressure on countries, humans and nature, this side event aims to highlight how a human rights-based approach driven by the right to adequate food, can provide game changing solutions. Climate change, biodiversity loss, nature and soil degradation, as well as pollution are affecting the life and health of billions around the world. Negatively impacting the full and effective enjoyment of a wide range of human rights and entrenching the fragility of countries and vulnerable and marginalised groups. In the last year, key milestones such as the COP27 on climate change and COP15 on biodiversity as well as the recent recognition of the human right to a clean environment, and the issuance of General Comment 26 on Land have illustrated the inextricable nexus between nature and the people who depend on it.

The event, organized by FAO, togetehr Germany, Switzerland, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to Food, International Development Law Organization (IDLO), will be held on 27 October, from 13:30 – 14:45.

To register, please click here.



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