
Cuba approves the Law of Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security

On the ground - 16.05.2022

Havana- Last Saturday, May 14, the Law of Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security was approved by the deputies of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba. The legal regulation, the first of its kind on the island, was developed with the technical assistance from FAO within the framework of the project "Strengthening policies for sustainable food security in Cuba" (POSAS), of the SAS Cuba country program, financed by the Union European.

The text of the norm establishes the general legislative framework to achieve food sovereignty, strengthen food and nutritional security and guarantee the progressive realization of the right of every person to a healthy and adequate diet.

It also orders the processes of production, transformation and commercialization of food until its consumption, promotes the mobilization of local resources and organizes the actors of sovereign and sustainable local food systems.

During his speech at the National Assembly of People's Power, Ydael Pérez Brito, Minister of Agriculture of Cuba, highlighted the high participation of people in the construction of the legislation, its intersectoral and interinstitutional nature, as well as the contributions it will make to municipal autonomy.

He recognized the novelty in the Law of the definition of a National Committee for the prevention and reduction of food losses and waste in the food chain.

He also stressed that the legal body includes aspects related to the substitution of imports of food, raw materials, supplies and technologies to ensure national production.

The Law establishes the creation, composition and functions of the commissions dedicated to food sovereignty at the national, provincial and municipal levels, strengthens municipal autonomy and decentralization processes and promotes the practice of sustainable agriculture on agroecological principles.

It is also relevant that it esblishes the specific obligations of the State to guarantee healthy and adequate food for people in the country, especially for people in situations of vulnerability.

The National Plan for Food Sovereignty and Nutritional Education was prepared by 22 Central State Administration Organizations, 12 Superior Business Management Organizations, 27 entities, 11 civil society organizations, academics and researchers from scientific institutions and universities. Deputies, cooperative members and agricultural producers participated in the consultation process prior to its approval, in addition to the opinions of the population collected through the website of the National Assembly, associative forms, universities and the agencies of the United Nations System in Cuba.

This is a translation of the news published in Spanish here.

