The Right to Food

Expert panel at GFFA-“Implementing the right to food! – with agro-ecology, climate-proof agriculture and One Health”

22 January 2021, Berlin/Rome – Smallscale farmers, including fishing, produce over 70% of the world’s food needs. However, particularly in times of pandemics, they face challenges in terms of distribution compared to large agricultural companies. Agroecology is key for local food systems, and offers small famers opportunities for resilience to climate change, while protecting the environment from the One Health perspective.

This was the main message expressed in a panel at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). Interventions were made by a South African small fisherwoman, a UN representative, a One Health expert, and of two NGO representatives, one from the climate protection and another from the human rights field. Michael Fakhri is the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. It also counted with the participation of Michael Fakhri, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food. They all pointed out the complex interrelationships of the right to food.

The final communiqué - a call for action

76 agriculture ministers agreed today for a common political vision through the adption of the comuniqué at the 13th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference at the GFFA.

The communiqué reaffirmed commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 2 to end hunger, as well as to implement FAO's voluntary guidelines supporting the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

Recognizing the essential role of the food and agricultural sector, ministers pledged support to farmers, particularly smallholders, for sustaining their activities and livelihoods during the pandemic, and to assist their recovery afterwards and help enhance their resilience.

Region: Europe

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