Droit à l'alimentation

Model Law on Small-Scale Fisheries PARLATINO


The Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO) created the world’s first model law on small-scale fisheries. This legal framework can be used by countries as a basis to develop their national policies and laws to strengthen this key sector for food and nutrition security.

The model law contains ten chapters that touch on key issues for the development of the sector such as the fishing registers, the generation of information for decision-making and the rights and duties of those working in the sector.

The model law specifically refers to the International Plan of Action against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, as well as disaster risk management and the adaptation of the sector to climate change.

The law promotes a gender approach, the inclusion of workers in social protection systems, and policies for productive inclusion.

It was developed with technical support from FAO, the Mexican international cooperation (through Mesoamerica without Hunger), Spanish cooperation through the Spain / FAO program and the Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Catégorie: Matériel pour la mise en œuvre
