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Video message of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food for Side Event CFS 47


The COVID-19 pandemic brought a global health emergency that is putting at risk people’s right to adequate food all over the world. The pandemic sheds light on the indivisible linkages between the right to health and the right to food, and the importance of multisectoral and multistakeholder approaches such as the human rights-based and One Health as the way ahead.

This side-event will be held within this year Committee on World Food Security (CFS 47). It will highlight emerging issues during the COVID-19 pandemic showing profound linkages between plant protection, food safety, health, climate change, gender and capacity development for women, biodiversity and adequate standards of living. Although they are usually dealt with separately, they have a high potential to contribute to less vulnerable, more inclusive and sustainable food systems.

An interactive panel will explore best practices and provide policy recommendations to better connect key dimensions of the right to adequate food. It will address multiple dimensions, actors and technical areas of food security and nutrition, particularly relevant during and after the COVID-19 crisis.

The side-event benefits from the support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Kingdom of Spain. Both representing the broader informal Friends of the Right to Food Group of Member Countries in Rome (made of Norway, Switzerland, South Africa, Czech Republic, Germany, Brazil, France, Cuba, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Spain, Thailand, Mexico, Netherlands, Indonesia and Burkina Faso). The side-event is being organised with the support of the FAO and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC).


For more information about the event: http://www.fao.org/right-to-food/news/news-detail/en/c/1372470/ 

Доступно на: https://youtu.be/AwpzgP6w9wc

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