
Right to Food in Action: Examples of how FAO Member Countries Make it Happen

Author: FAO Right to Food Team

Brief, 2007.

The Right to Food Guidelines, adopted by FAO Council in 2004, contain practical recommendations to States for the implementation of the right to food. Many countries are taking important steps for the realization of this right. Since the FAO Right to Food Team was founded in 2006, it has been helping governments meet their right to food obligations and has worked to highlight right to food principles in FAO’s policy assistance. This brief “Right To Food In Action - Examples of how FAO Member Countries Make it Happen” gives an overview of the types of right to food activities with which FAO is involved in Brazil, Bhutan, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, India, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania/Zanzibar and Uganda.

Available in English, Español, Français.

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