
The right to food within the international framework of human rights and country constitutions

Authors: Dubravka Bojic Bultrini, Margret Vidar, Lidija Knuth / Editors: José Mª Medina Rey, Mª Teresa de Febrer (PROSALUS)

Right to Food Handbooks 1, 2014.

This first handbook of the group devoted to legislation presents the right to food within the international framework of human rights, especially the ICESCR and other relevant international instruments, as well as the different forms of constitutional recognition at country level.

The content of this handbook is based on the FAO's “Guide on Legislating for the Right to Food”. It includes the characterization of this right in the main international human rights instruments, especially its core content and the State obligations. At the country level, it presents the different forms of constitutional recognition: explicit, implied and as a guiding principle of State policy.

类别: 培训和宣传材料
关键词: 教学工具, 培训, 法律问题, 权益, 国际法, 国家立法, 义务, 追索机制
