L'Emploi rural décent

Policy database on Employment and decent work in rural areas

The Policy database on Employment and decent work in rural areas is an online inventory of current national, regional and global policies, programmes and studies that are relevant to the promotion of more and better jobs in the rural areas of developing countries. The Database has the twofold purpose of:

  • Facilitating a quick assessment of countries and regions’ needs for support on Employment and decent work in rural areas, and
  • Fostering information sharing on how the employment challenge in rural areas is addressed around the world.

This database represents the first initiative that focuses primarily on employment-related issues applied to rural areas and/or the agricultural sector. 

Background and Methodology
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Filtering system

The Filtering system enables search by one or multiple combined fields, and includes a Free text option. This option enables the search for single terms or phrases in the Title or Description of the documents available in the database.

Free text
Geographical level
Type of document/intervention
Policy area
Institutional responsibility
External technical/financial support
Groups of workers targeted
Pillars of the Decent Work Agenda covered

Summary charts

Documents by type

Pillars of the Decent Work Agenda covered