Decent Rural Employment

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Region Country Title Policy Area Timeframe Type Key Information Groups of workers targeted Institutional Responsibility External Support Links
Asia and the Pacific Yemen National Agriculture and Fisheries Strategy And Investment Plan (NAFSIP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2024 - 2030
Asia and the Pacific Mauritius Policy for the Blue Economy in Mauritius Agriculture/fisheries and aquaculture 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean Costa Rica Política Pública para el Sector Agropecuario Costarricense 2023-2032 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2023 - 2032
Africa Nigeria National Agricultural Technology and Innovation Policy (NATIP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2027
Near East and North Africa Syria IFAD Syrian Arab Republic Country Strategy Note Rural development/poverty reduction 2022 - 2023
Europe and Central Asia Youth Action Plan in EU External Action Youth development 2022 - 2027
Africa Kenya The Global Youth Agriculture Network (GYAN) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022
Africa Ghana National Medium-Term Development Policy Framework Development 2022 - 2025
Near East and North Africa Jordan National Sustainable Agriculture Plan Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2025
Latin America and the Caribbean Nicaragua Marco Programático de País (MPP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2026
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Republic of Guatemala Country Strategic Opportunities Programme (COSOP) 2022-2027 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2027
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Marco de Programación de País (MPP) 2022-2025 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2025
Africa Malawi The effect of ICT use on the profitability of young agripreneurs in Malawi (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022
Near East and North Africa Tunisia WFP Tunisia Country Strategic Plan Food security and nutrition 2022 - 2025
Near East and North Africa Morocco Forsa (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022 - 2023
Africa Mozambique PLANO ESTRATÉGICO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DO SECTOR AGRÁRIO 2030 (PDESA II) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2030
Africa Cameroon United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Cameroon Development 2022 - 2026
Latin America and the Caribbean Saint Kitts and Nevis St Kitts and Nevis Agricultural Transformation and Growth Strategy (AGTS) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2031
Africa Rwanda Hanga Akazi Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Employment - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022
Africa Senegal Decent work in global food value chains: Evidence from Senegal Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Decent Work 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean Estrategia de Juventudes Rurales de la Región SICA Youth development - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022 - 2030
Africa Kenya Siaya County Youth Agribusiness strategy (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022 - 2027
Africa Ghana National Youth Policy Youth development 2022 - 2032
Africa Côte d'Ivoire Politique Nationale de Développement de l’élevage, de La Pêche et de l’aquaculture (PONADEPA) Agriculture/fisheries and aquaculture - Agriculture/livestock 2022 - 2026
Latin America and the Caribbean Dominican Republic Plan Operativo Anual (POA) Agropecuario 2022 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022
All USAID: YOUTH IN DEVELOPMENT POLICY 2022 UPDATE Youth development - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022
Africa African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2022
Near East and North Africa Morocco AWRASH Social protection - Employment 2022 - 2023
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Politique de l’agriculture durable de la République Démocratique du Congo Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2022 - 2030
Europe and Central Asia North Macedonia National Strategy on Agricultural and Rural Development Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2027
Asia and the Pacific Malaysia National Agrofood Policy 2021-2030 (NAP 2.0) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2030
Near East and North Africa Morocco Programme to mitigate the effects of delayed rainfall Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2022
Asia and the Pacific Palau Triple bottom line strategic plan: people, Palau, and prosperity Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Panama Plan Estratégico Sectorial Agropecuario y Rural (PES 2025) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2025
Europe and Central Asia Georgia Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy of Georgia Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2027
All Youth Voices in Youth Employment: A roadmap for promoting meaningful youth engagement in youth employment programs (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2021
Africa Ethiopia The Pathway to Prosperity Ten Years Perspective Development Plan (2021 – 2030) Development 2021 - 2030
Latin America and the Caribbean Peru Politica nacional agraria Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2030
Africa Kenya - Rwanda - Uganda Strengthening agricultural knowledge and the innovation ecosystem for inclusive rural transformation and livelihoods in Eastern Africa (AIRTEA) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2025
Asia and the Pacific Philippines National Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization and Industrialization Plan (NAFMIP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2030
All The Long Shadow of Informality: Challenges and Policies Labour market institutions and regulations 2021
All FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021
Asia and the Pacific Bhutan Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) Strategy 2040 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Natural resources management/climate change 2021 - 2040
Latin America and the Caribbean Bolivia Plan de Desarrollo Económico y Social Development 2021 - 2025
Africa Kenya Agricultural Policy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021
Africa Gabon Plan d’accélération de la transformation Development 2021 - 2023
Asia and the Pacific Solomon Islands Agriculture Sector Growth Strategy and Investment Plan (ASGIP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2030
Asia and the Pacific Sri Lanka National Agriculture Policy (NAP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021
Near East and North Africa Jordan Agriculture Sector Green Growth Action National Action Plan 2021-2025 (GG-NAP) Natural resources management/climate change 2021 - 2025
Latin America and the Caribbean Colombia Policy for reactivation and sustainable and inclusive growth Development 2021 - 2026
Asia and the Pacific Laos Lao Youth and Adolescent Developments Strategy Youth development 2021 - 2030
Africa Benin - Kenya - Mali - Nigeria Mechanization, digitalization, rural youth: Stakeholder perceptions on mega-topics for African agricultural transformation Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2021
Africa Ghana Taking a Systems Approach to Young Africa Works Ghana: A Rapid Market Assessment of Agricultural Value Chains and Decent Work for Young Women in Northern Ghana Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2021
Asia and the Pacific Vietnam Decision No. 150 on approving the sustainable agriculture and rural development strategies for the period 2021 – 2030 with a vision toward 2050 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021 - 2030
Africa Kenya National Agricultural Insurance Policy (NAIP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021
Africa Kenya National Agricultural Mechanization Policy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021
Africa Uganda National Development Plan III (NDP III) Macroeconomic and growth 2021 - 2025
Africa Green Jobs for Young People in Africa: Work in Progress (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship - Green jobs 2021
Africa Nigeria NIGERIAN YOUTH EMPLOYMENT ACTION PLAN 2021-2024 (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2021 - 2024
Africa Ghana Taking a Systems Approach to Young Africa Works Ghana: A Rapid Market Assessment of Agricultural Value Chains and Decent Work for Young Women in Northern Ghana Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2021
Africa Malawi Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Scaling Project Financial inclusion 2021 - 2025
All FAO Policy on gender equality Gender equality/(Rural) Women economic empowerment 2020 - 2030
Africa Uganda Skilling in Agripreneurship for increased Youth Employment (SAY project) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020 - 2022
Near East and North Africa Morocco Generation Green Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Near East and North Africa Tunisia TRACE (Tunisian Rural and Agriculture Chains of Employment) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020 - 2023
Near East and North Africa Algeria - Bahrain - Djibouti - Egypt - Iran - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya, State of - Morocco - Oman - Palestine - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Syria - Tunisia - Türkiye - United Arab Emirates - Yemen The role of social protection in young people’s transition to work in the Middle East and North Africa Social protection 2020
All The Future of Work in Agriculture Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Employment 2020
Asia and the Pacific Papua New Guinea Agriculture Medium Term Development Plan Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2022
Africa Mauritania Plan national de développement agricole (PNDA) Agriculture/crops 2020 - 2025
Africa West Africa Regional Economic Outlook 2020 – Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic Macroeconomic and growth 2020
Africa Rwanda - Uganda Engaging Young Agripreneurs: Options to Include Youth in Private Sector Extension and Advisory Services in Rwanda and Uganda Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020
Africa Kenya Rural Youth Employment in the Agri-Food sector in Western Kenya (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020 - 2024
All World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2020 Decent Work 2020
Near East and North Africa Jordan National Strategy for Agricultural Development Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2025
Africa Senegal Analysis of the informal economy in Senegal Employment 2020
Near East and North Africa Algeria Agricultural Roadmap Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Mexico Programa Sectorial de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2024
Near East and North Africa Lebanon Lebanon National Agriculture Strategy (NAS) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2025
All ILO brief. Spotlight on Work Statistics n°11 Employment 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Paraguay Marco de Política del Sector Agropecuario (MPSA) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Africa Rwanda Vision 2050 Macroeconomic and growth - Development 2020 - 2050
Africa Uganda Agricultural finance and the youth. Prospects for financial inclusion in Uganda Financial inclusion 2020
All FAO Rural Youth Action Plan (RYAP) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020 - 2025
Africa Senegal The South Agro-Industrial Processing Zone Project (PZTA-Sud, or Agropole Sud) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Enterprise development 2020 - 2025
Near East and North Africa Algeria - Benin - Burkina Faso - Cape Verde - Côte d'Ivoire - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Libya, State of - Mali - Mauritania - Morocco - Niger - Nigeria - Senegal - Sierra Leone - Togo - Tunisia Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean Trends, risks, development and governance Migration and remittances 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador Políticas de Estado para el Agro Ecuatoriano 2020 – 2030 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador Plan Nacional Agropecuario (PNA) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Africa Zimbabwe National Labour Migration Policy for Zimbabwe Labour standards and rights at work 2020
Africa Uganda National Child Policy (NCP) Child labour/child protection 2020
Africa Uganda Agricultural Finance Year Book 2020 Financial inclusion 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Costa Rica Plan Nacional de Agricultura Familiar 2020-2030 — Sector Agropecuario, Pesquero y Rural Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Near East and North Africa Jordan The Jordan Response Plan for the Syria Crisis (JRPSC) Migration and remittances - Emergency and post-conflict reconstruction 2020 - 2022
Near East and North Africa Jordan The Jordan Response Plan for the Syria Crisis (JRPSC) Migration and remittances - Emergency and post-conflict reconstruction 2020 - 2022
Near East and North Africa Iraq Enhancing labour governance, inspection and working conditions in response to COVID-19 Decent Work 2020 - 2022
Africa Mali Crowdfunding Malian diaspora remittances to finance rural entrepreneurship Migration and remittances - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020
All Global Employment Trends for Youth 2020: Technology and the future of jobs (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship - Decent Work 2020
Near East and North Africa Algeria Stratégie nationale pour l'économie bleue (SNEB) Agriculture/fisheries and aquaculture 2020 - 2030
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Marco Estratégico de Cooperación de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Sostenible Development 2020 - 2025
Africa South Africa Strategic Plan of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2025
Europe and Central Asia Georgia Georgian National Youth Policy Concept for 2020 – 2030 Youth development 2020 - 2030
Europe and Central Asia Armenia Strategy of the main directions ensuring economic development in agricultural sector of the republic of Armenia Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Asia and the Pacific Kiribati Kiribati Agriculture Strategy (KAS) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Latin America and the Caribbean Cuba Plan de Soberanía Alimentaria y Educación Nutricional Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Food security and nutrition 2020
Africa Ethiopia Ten years of the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency. An FAO evaluation of the Agency’s impact on agricultural growth and poverty reduction Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020
Africa - Asia and the Pacific Vietnam - Zambia Barriers and opportunities for the youth engagement in agribusiness: empirical evidence from Zambia and Vietnam Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020
Africa Kenya Agricultural finance and the youth. Prospects for financial inclusion in Kenya Financial inclusion 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Colombia Plan Nacional para apoyar y consolidar la Generación de Ingresos de la Economía Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2031
Africa Insights into Youth Networks Working Around Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Youth development 2020
Europe and Central Asia Farm to Fork Strategy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Empleo rural juvenil y sistemas agroalimentarios en Guatemala - Un análisis rápido de contexto (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020
All Measuring digital development Facts and figures 2020 Infrastructure 2020
Africa Rwanda ILO Youth Country Brief. Rwanda: Youth Labour Markets and the School-to-Work Transition Employment - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Nicaragua Estrategia Nacional para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña y Mediana Agroindustria Enterprise development 2020 - 2023
Africa Rwanda Rwanda Labour Force Survey Annual Report 2020 Employment 2020
Asia and the Pacific Cambodia UNFPA Youth Situation Analysis in Cambodia Youth development 2020
Africa Zimbabwe Zimbabwe National Development Strategy 1 Macroeconomic and growth - Social protection - Employment - Resilience 2020
Africa Senegal Childhood determinants of internal youth migration in Senegal Migration and remittances 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Chile Estrategia de sustenibilidad agroalimentaria 2020-2030 Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2020 - 2030
Latin America and the Caribbean Panorama Laboral 2019 de América Latina y el Caribe Employment - Decent Work 2020
Africa Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean Trends, risks, development and governance Migration and remittances 2020
Africa Senegal FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2023
Near East and North Africa Egypt Decent Life (Haya Karima) Rural development/poverty reduction 2019
Asia and the Pacific Maldives National Fisheries and Agricultural Policy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2029
Africa Senegal Rural Youth Agripreneur Support Project (Agri-jeunes Tekki Ndawñi) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019 - 2025
Asia and the Pacific Cambodia Rural Development Policy Rural development/poverty reduction 2019 - 2023
Africa Senegal Programme de cooperation gouvernementale Belgique-Sénégal / Belgium-Senegal cooperation programme Development 2019 - 2023
Asia and the Pacific Cambodia Rural Development Strategy, Action Plan Rural development/poverty reduction 2019 - 2023
Africa Zimbabwe National Agriculture Policy Framework (NAPF) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2030
All Employment in Agriculture and Food Trade: Assessing the role of GVCS Trade 2019
All Inclusive finance and rural youth Financial inclusion 2019
Africa Kenya Agricultural Sector Growth and Transformation Strategy (ASTGS) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2029
Asia and the Pacific Fiji 5 Year Strategic Development Plan Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2023
Africa 100,000 MSMEs Initiative Enterprise development 2019
All Corporate-level Evaluation on IFAD’s Engagement in Pro-poor Value Chain Development Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019
Africa Burkina Faso - Chad - Mali - Mauritania - Niger Stratégie pour le Développement et la Sécurité (SDS) des pays du G5 Sahel Development 2019 - 2021
Africa Rwanda FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2023
Africa Malawi - Tanzania Who works in agriculture? Exploring the dynamics of youth involvement in the agri-food systems of Tanzania and Malawi Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019
Africa Burkina Faso - Chad - Mali - Mauritania - Niger Priority Investment Programme (PIP/G5 Sahel) Development 2019 - 2021
Near East and North Africa Morocco Taza Mountain Integrated Rural Development Project for the pre-Rif Region Rural development/poverty reduction 2019 - 2026
Africa Agripreneurship across Africa. Stories of inspiration (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019
Africa Ethiopia Realising Aspiration Youth in Ethiopia through Employment (RAYEE) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019 - 2024
Africa Niger Youth Employment and Work in Niger (JEEN) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019 - 2021
Africa Egypt - Ethiopia - Iraq - Kenya - Lebanon - Sudan - Syria - Uganda Inclusive jobs and education for refugees and host communities Employment 2019 - 2022
All IFAD Rural Youth Action Plan (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019 - 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean Social programmes, poverty eradication and labour inclusion: lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean Rural development/poverty reduction - Social protection 2019
Africa - Near East and North Africa Tunisia IFAD Republic of Tunisia Country Strategic Opportunities Programme (COSOP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Rural development/poverty reduction 2019 - 2024
Africa Rwanda Revised National Employment policy Employment 2019
Near East and North Africa Saudi Arabia Sustainable Rural Agricultural Development (SRAD) Programme Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2025
Near East and North Africa Saudi Arabia Strengthening MoEWA`s Capacity to implement its Sustainable Rural Agricultural Development Programme Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2025
Africa Kenya Kenya Youth Development Policy Youth development 2019
Africa Senegal Plan-cadre des Nations Unies pour l’Assistance au Développement (PNUAD) Development 2019 - 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean Costa Rica Lineamientos de política 2019-2022 para el Sector Agropecuario, Pesquero y Rural Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean Jamaica Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries Strategic Business Plan Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2023
Africa Burkina Faso - Côte d'Ivoire - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Mali - Niger - Nigeria 2SCALE Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2023
Asia and the Pacific Bhutan Youth Employment and Rural Entrepreneurship (YERE) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019 - 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean Costa Rica Plan Sectorial 2019-2022 — Sector Agropecuario, Pesquero y Rural. Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2022
Africa Rwanda Gender and Youth Mainstreaming Strategy Gender equality/(Rural) Women economic empowerment - Youth development 2019 - 2025
Latin America and the Caribbean Bolivia Política y Estrategia Plurinacional para la Gestión Integral y Sustentable de la Biodiversidad – Plan de Acción Natural resources management/climate change 2019 - 2030
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Estrategia nacional de inclusión financiera para Guatemala (ENIF) Financial inclusion 2019 - 2023
Africa Stratégie d’appui à l’employabilité des jeunes dans le secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral et halieutique dans une perspective de lutte contre l’exode rural et contre l’émigration incontrôlée dans l’espace CEDEAO (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Youth in Extension and Advisory Services: Guatemala Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Youth development 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Haiti - Honduras - Mexico - Nicaragua - Panama Regional programme on migration - Mesoamerica and the Caribbean Migration and remittances 2019 - 2021
Asia and the Pacific Papua New Guinea Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade (EU-STREIT) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2023
Africa - Asia and the Pacific Bangladesh - Cambodia - Egypt - Myanmar - Nigeria - Solomon Islands - Tanzania - Zambia Youth participation in small-scale fisheries, aquaculture and value chains in Africa and the Asia-Pacific Agriculture/fisheries and aquaculture 2019
Africa Kenya Kenya National Agricultural Investment Plan Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2019 - 2024
Africa Kenya Rural youth employment and agri-food systems in Kenya - A rapid context analysis (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019
Africa Rwanda Rural youth employment and agri-food systems in Rwanda - A rapid context analysis (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019
Africa Rwanda ONE UN Joint Youth Programme Youth development 2019 - 2023
Africa Uganda Rural youth employment and agri–food systems in Uganda. A rapid context analysis (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019
Africa Stratégie régionale d’insertion / installation des jeunes dans le secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral et halieutique (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019 - 2023
Africa Senegal Emploi rural des jeunes et systèmes agroalimentaires au Sénégal. Analyse rapide du contexte (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019
Africa Uganda Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy Education and training 2019
Africa Mali Cadre stratégique pour la Relance économique et le Développement durable (CREDD 2019- 2023) Macroeconomic and growth - Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Rural development/poverty reduction - Social protection - Gender equality/(Rural) Women economic empowerment - Employment 2019 - 2023
Africa Uganda "High Flyers" Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2019 - 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean Situación de las juventudes rurales en América Latinay el Caribe Employment - Youth development 2019
Africa Burkina Faso - Kenya - Malawi - Mozambique Global Project on Rural Employment with a Focus on Youth (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018 - 2024
Africa Uganda Investing in Uganda’s young and female coffee farmers (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018 - 2021
Africa Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa (EN, FR) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018
Africa Senegal Délégation générale à l’entrepreneuriat rapide des femmes et des jeunes (DER) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship - Enterprise development 2018
Asia and the Pacific Pakistan Sindh Agriculture Policy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2030
Asia and the Pacific Pakistan Punjab Agriculture Policy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018
Africa Rwanda Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation phase 4 (PSTA 4) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2024
Africa Senegal Programme Pays de Promotion du Travail Décent du Sénégal (PPTD) Decent Work 2018 - 2022
Africa Rwanda Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) Decent Work 2018 - 2022
Africa Kenya ENABLE Youth Kenya Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018 - 2023
Africa Kenya United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Development 2018 - 2022
Africa Burkina Faso Politique sectorielle production agro-silvo-pastorale Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2027
Africa Kenya Third Medium Term Plan Macroeconomic and growth - Development 2018 - 2022
Africa Malawi National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2023
Africa Rwanda Private Sector Development and Youth Employment Strategy (PSDYES) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship - Private sector development 2018 - 2024
Africa Senegal Etude sur la demande pour les produits et services financiers des jeunes du bassin arachidier du Sénégal (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean Colombia Política Pública de Agricultura Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria (ACFC) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean El Salvador Política de agricultura sostenible adaptada al clima Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018
Africa Kenya National Youth Agribusiness Strategy (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018 - 2022
Asia and the Pacific Myanmar Agriculture Development Strategy and Investment Plan Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2023
Africa Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Chad - Gambia - Guinea - Mali - Mauritania - Niger - Nigeria - Senegal UN Support Plan for the Sahel "Working together for a prosperous and peaceful Sahel" Development 2018 - 2030
All Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Youth development 2018
Africa Uganda FAO Refugee and Host Community Response Roadmap Migration and remittances 2018 - 2020
Near East and North Africa Strategie 2018- 21 FAO en Afrique du Nord Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Food security and nutrition - Natural resources management/climate change 2018 - 2021
Africa Kenya AgriFI Kenya Challenge Fund Financial inclusion - Private sector development 2018 - 2022
Africa Côte d'Ivoire - Egypt - Malawi - Mali - Nigeria - Uganda Accelerating Action for the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains (ACCEL Africa) Child labour/child protection 2018 - 2022
Asia and the Pacific Bhutan 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) Macroeconomic and growth - Development 2018 - 2023
Africa Rwanda Farming is Cool Rwanda (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018
Near East and North Africa Egypt The National Action Plan (NAP) for Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Egypt and Supporting Family Child labour/child protection 2018 - 2025
Africa Uganda Uganda's Demographic Dividend Roadmap Youth development - Development 2018
Africa Uganda Empowering Novel Agri-Business-Led Employment for Youth in Uganda’s Agriculture (ENABLE Youth) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018 - 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras Atlas migración en los países del norte de Centroamérica Migration and remittances 2018
Africa Ghana - Kenya - Malawi - Rwanda - Uganda - Tanzania - Zambia Building Inclusive Agricultural Technologies for Young People (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama Jóvenes Líderes para el Desarrollo Rural en la Región del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA) Youth development 2018 - 2020
Africa Burundi National Agricultural Strategy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2027
Asia and the Pacific Bangladesh National Agriculture Policy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018
Africa Rwanda United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP II) Development 2018 - 2023
Africa Senegal Programme National d’Investissement Agricole pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionelle (PNIASAN) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2022
Africa Mali Value Chain Development and Youth Employment in Mali (EJOM) project (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018 - 2021
All Decent Work Deficits in Southern Agriculture: Measurements, Drivers and Strategies Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Decent Work 2018
Africa Rwanda Improving Market Systems for Agriculture in Rwanda (IMSAR) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2023
Africa Senegal Support to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (PADAER II) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Enterprise development 2018 - 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Ley de Fortalecimiento al Emprendimiento Enterprise development 2018
Africa Liberia Liberian Agricultural Sector Investment Plan (LASIP II) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2022
All United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Decent Work 2018
Africa Senegal Etude sur la demande pour les produits et services financiers des jeunes du bassin arachidier du Sénégal Financial inclusion 2018
Africa Uganda Agri Business Skilling for Youth in Refugee context (ABSYR) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Education and training 2018 - 2020
Africa Sierra Leone NSADP Investment Plan II. Inclusive Comprehensive Agriculture Development Programme (ICADeP) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2018 - 2022
Africa Uganda Response to increased demand on Government Service and creation of economic opportunities in Uganda (RISE) Migration and remittances - Employment - Resilience 2018
Africa Burkina Faso - Kenya - Malawi Promoting employment for young people in rural areas (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2018 - 2024
Africa Mauritania Plan National de Développement de l’Elevage (PNDE) Agriculture/livestock 2018 - 2025
Africa Kenya FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Natural resources management/climate change - Resilience 2018 - 2022
Africa Nigeria - Tanzania AgFood Youth Opportunity Lab (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2017 - 2021
Africa Uganda The Emergency Response and Resilience Strategy for Refugees and Host Communities project Migration and remittances - Employment - Resilience 2017 - 2020
Africa Senegal PARERBA (Projet d’Appui à la Réduction de l’Émigration Rurale et à la Réintégration dans le Bassin Arachidier) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2017 - 2022
Africa Uganda National Strategy for Youth Employment In Agriculture (NSYEA) (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2017
Asia and the Pacific Afghanistan FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2017 - 2021
Africa Rwanda National Agriculture Policy Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2017
Asia and the Pacific Cambodia UNited for Youth Employment in Cambodia Youth development 2017 - 2019
Africa Mali - Senegal Promoting youth entrepreneurship and job creation in the West African rice value chain (PEJERIZ) Child labour/child protection 2017 - 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala Guate te incluye Migration and remittances 2017
Africa Rwanda Made in Rwanda Macroeconomic and growth 2017
All World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2017 Employment 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama Plan de acción regional dirigido a la juventud rural en los países del SICA Youth development 2017 - 2021
Africa Gender and Youth Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa Gender equality/(Rural) Women economic empowerment - (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2017
Africa Rwanda AfDB Group Country Strategy Paper (CSP) Macroeconomic and growth 2017 - 2021
Africa African Union Roadmap on harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in youth Youth development 2017
Africa Uganda Uganda National Youth Action Plan Youth development 2017 - 2022
Africa Zambia Capacity development to strengthen coordination between agriculture and social protection Social protection 2017 - 2019
Africa Senegal Réussir au Sénégal (Rural) Youth employment and entrepreneurship 2017 - 2021
Africa Eritrea FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems 2017 - 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean Chile Los nietos de la reforma agraria. Empleo, realidad y sueños de la juventud rural en Chile Employment - Youth development 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean Costa Rica Empleo rural decente en el sector de pesca artesanal y de pesca semiindustrial en Costa Rica Decent Work 2017
Near East and North Africa Morocco Programme for the Reduction of Territorial and Social Disparities (PRDTS) Rural development/poverty reduction - Infrastructure 2017 - 2023
Africa Mauritania FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Agriculture (multiple subsector)/food systems - Food security and nutrition - Natural resources management/climate change - Resilience 2017 - 2021