Decent Rural Employment

Guidance on How to Address Rural Employment and Decent Work Concerns in FAO Country Activities


In the frame of the collaboration between FAO and ILO, on June 17th this year, the two Organizations have signed a Letter of Agreement for the development of a Guidance document on How to Address Rural Employment and Decent Work Concerns in FAO Country Activities.

Specifically, the Guidance is intended to assist FAO Representatives, managers and other FAO staff and consultants working at the country level in identifying main issues of Rural Employment and Decent Work relevant to their work.

The document builds on the views, experiences and technical knowledge gathered by FAO and ILO experts in relation to the four pillars of the Decent Work Framework: employment creation and enterprise development, social protection, standards and rights at work, and social dialogue. It identifies main issues that should be addressed by FAO in order to foster employment-centred sustainable agricultural and rural development processes.

Corresponding with each issue, the guidance suggests examples of concrete actions that FAO country offices could take, as well as knowledge resources and practical tools than can be adopted and integrated in project and program design.

The final version of the Guidance will be released by the end of October 2010.