Decent Rural Employment

Master program in Applied Labour Economics for Development (MALED). Teaching session on “Rural Employment”


On May 4th a FAO-ILO joint teaching session on "Rural Employment" for the Masters program in Applied Labour Economics for Development (MALED) was held at the International Training Centre(ITC-ILO) School of Development in Turin, Italy.

The course featured contemporary global labour market challenges,  through the perspective of rural employment and decent work.  

More specifically, rural employment for food security and poverty reduction was discussedas a necessary condition towards economic growth, rural development and social transformation. The establishment of a conducive enabling environment was highlighted as a key condition for the achievement of the full potential of rural employment. Also, the systematic consideration of rural employment multi-functionality and central role would contribute to enhance the overall policy coherence.

The basic concepts of decent work, the challenges of addressing decent work in rural areas, as well as concrete examples of good practices in the field and in policy development to create an enabling environment were examined.  For further information please contact the course teachers:

Paola Termine, IPEC Department of ILO: [email protected]

Peter Wobst, ES Department of FAO: [email protected]


Course material: