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Co-operative Youth competition announced - Coop’Art


A global artistic competition designed to encourage youth to creatively express their views on co-operative principles has been announced today by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) on the United Nations International Day of Co-operatives on July 2. The competition launches at the ICA General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico in November.

A camera, an instrument or a voice is all entrants will need to be able to participate in the Coop’Art competition.

The ICA wants to invite greater numbers of youth into the co-operative sector and Coop’Art is a galvanising project. It was conceived by José Antonio Chavez, ICA's Youth Representative to the ICA Board.

The theme of this year’s international day is how co-operative enterprises empower youth. nyone can enter provided they are aged between 16 and 35.

For more informationread the announcement


Rodrigo Gouveia - Secretary General. EURO COOP a.i.s.b.l. Tel.: +32 2 285 00 70

Nicola Kelly – Co-ordinator International Year of Co-operatives, International Co-operative Alliance. Telephone +41(0)22 929 88 27

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