Decent Rural Employment

Launching of the online dialogues! III Global Conference on Child Labour - Brasilia, October 2013


The Third Global Conference on Child Labour will take place in Brasilia, from 8 to 10 October 2013. The Conference marks the half-way point between the adoption of theRoadmap for Eliminating the Worst Forms of Child Labour by 2016 and the 2016 goal. It will be an opportunity for reflection and joint dialogue on the progress made since the adoption of the Roadmap and the International Labour Organisation’s Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour, and to propose measures to accelerate actions towards the 2016 goal: eliminating the worst form of child labour.

It is also an opportunity for you to contribute to the global dialogue on child labour in agriculture and to the success of the Conference through the virtual platform "Dialogues on Child Labour". The "Dialogues" platform is a public forum for participation in the run-up to the Conference and aims to create an international network for sharing challenges, good practices and lessons learned from those working around the world to eliminate child labour, including in agriculture.

We need your support to ensure its success in sharing knowledge and good practices especially on reducing child labour in agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry.

Everybody can register and take part in the dialogues in preparation of the Third Global Conference on Child Labour. We particularly encourage ministries and producers’ organizations, cooperatives, organizations of fishers, fish farmers, forest-users groups, workers and employers’ organizations and other sectoral institutions, and civil society organizations working on child labour, to contribute to ensure the Conference devotes adequate focus to child labour in agriculture.

The International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture has sent the Conference organizers a call for action to enhance focus on child labour in agriculture, as 60% of all child labour is in agriculture and to further engage agricultural stakeholders in the Conference. The “Dialogues” provide an opportunity to now add your voice!