Empleo rural decente

ICA Kenya: 2020 updates


In Kenya, ICA started its operations in mid-2019. Let’s review the latest achievements of the programme! 

Key sector strategy

ICA supports the adaptation of the KYAS (developed with FAO support under a previous project) in Siaya (2020-2024) and Kakamega counties. To support its implementation, synergies have been established with large-scale Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme Phase II (ASDP II) in both Siaya and Kakamega. In Kakamega, FAO/ICA was nominated as a member to the County Agriculture Sector Steering Committee (CASCOM).

Technical support

  • 47 Youth Champions

Following the successful experience of ICA in Uganda, ICA Kenya Launched the 47 champions national agripreneurs competition in collaboration with Kenya Climate Innovation Center, the Youth Enterprise Fund, GIZ and the Ministry of ICT, Innovations and Youth. The selection will be finalized by January 2021 and the award package includes training and mentorship support, and opportunities to participate in study tours, exhibitions and policy dialogues.

  • Decent jobs for youth in agri-food value chains

A study on youth opportunities in agri-food value chains in Siaya and Kakamega counties is ongoing (by Capital Strategies Kenya Limited), with 18 youth (of which 9 young women) already trained as Research assistants. Prioritized value chains include: dairy, soya, fish (aquaculture) and poultry in Kakamega; poultry, mango, avocado, and fish (aquaculture) in Siaya.

In the meantime, 190 agripreneurs and young producers (98 male and 82 females) in Siaya county were connected to a global market for dried mangos (through partnership with Agricycle global), of which 40 youth with disabilities. See news here.

COVID-19 response

A rapid assessment with youth organizations was followed by an online discussion onYouth in Agribusiness: Coping with COVID-19 in the context of a Changing Climate hosted on the Climate and Agriculture Network for Africa (CANA) platform and several meetings with county government officials.

As a result, ICA distributed in Siaya, Kakamega, Kisumu and Kiambu Counties hand sanitizers, masks, thermometers, gloves and hand washing points to 271 youth enterprises (of which 97 young women-led) to help them cope with COVID-19 health protocols. See news here.

Find out more on COVID-19 response in ICA countries 


  • Public sector: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC), Ministry of ICT, Innovations and Youth, Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF), Council of Governors, County Governments of Siaya and Kakamega; Maseno University
  • Development partners: GIZ, Sida
  • Financial institutions / funds: Youth Enterprise Development Fund, Equity bank
  • Private sector: Agricycle global

Youth networks

  • Siaya youth in agribusiness forum
  • Kakamega youth in agribusiness association

Intra-FAO synergies

  • FAO project in Kiambu county on Reducing Distress Migration Through Local Value Chain Development: joint youth training and Covid-19 related support
  • FAO Regional Office for Africa: Regional Technical Cooperation Project on Promoting Employment Opportunities for Youth in Agribusiness in Africa (OYA)


What’s cooking for 2021

  • Finalization of Youth-Centred Value chain analysis and market assessment for Siaya and Kakamega Counties
  • Award of the 47 Champions Cohort
  • LoA with Maseno University to conduct an assessment of youth engagement in agri-food systems