Decent Rural Employment


Sweden provides funding to joint ILO-FAO programme for young rural entrepreneurs in Zambia

A new UN Joint Programme that aims to boost national food security in Zambia by encouraging young women and men to develop sustainable rural enterprises has received contributions of USD 7 million from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The initiative will also contribute to Zambia’s implementation of theComprehensive...

Global Conference and new global estimates emphasize the need for continued focus on child labour in agriculture

The 3rd Global Conference on Child Labour – hosted by the Brazilian Government from October 8-10 2013 – was attended by delegates from 152 countries who gathered to identify successful ways to eradicate child labour globally and to take stock of progress made towards the implementation of the Roadmap for achieving the elimination...

CFS 40: Side event on Decent rural employment for poverty reduction and food security

On 9 October 2013, FAO, ILO and Sida co-hosted a side event on Decent rural employment for poverty reduction and food security during the 40th session of the Committee on World Food Security (7- 11 October 2013).  The purpose of the event was to highlight the centrality of decent rural employment in reducing rural poverty...

Inter-Agency Group on Child Labour releases special report at III Global Conference on Child Labour

At the III Global Conference on Child Labor that is taking place in Brazil from 8-10 October 2013 – governments, social partners, civil society and international organizations have come together in a bid to assess progress towards the implementation of The Roadmap for Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour...