Decent Rural Employment


Co-operative Youth competition announced - Coop’Art

A global artistic competition designed to encourage youth to creatively express their views on co-operative principles has been announced today by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) on the United Nations International Day of Co-operatives on July 2. The competition launches at the ICA General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico in November.A...

Message from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the occasion of the 17th International Day of Cooperatives

The 2nd of July 2011 the 17th UN International Day of Cooperatives “Youth, the future of cooperative enterprise” was celebrated. This year's theme highlights how the cooperative model of enterprise can successfully empower youth. It links to the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Youth, which encourages dialogue and understanding across generations...

The Rotterdam Convention side event on vulnerable groups and pesticides exposure

On the occasion of the Fifth Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention a side event on “Vulnerable groups and pesticides exposure:  Joining forces to reduce hazardous child labour in agriculture"is being organized by FAO and the ILO (Wednesday 22 June 2011, 13:00-15:00, Centre International de Conferences, Genève). The Rotterdam Convention promotes shared...

World Day Against Child Labour, 10 June 2011: "Warning! Children in hazardous work"

The ILO estimates that of the world’s 215 million child labourers, 115 million are involved in hazardous work, including 41 million girls and 74 million boys. Hazardous work is among the worst forms of child labour. It is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children. The highest concentration...